Gone With The Wind

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   I slammed my front door open and raced down the porch steps, narrowly dodging a beer bottle being throw at my head as I ran. I heard my father still yelling at me, something about how if I ever came back, I'd be dead where I stood, but I ignored him and kept on running.

I didn't stop running until I made it about 5 blocks down the way, but when I did stop, I nearly collapsed from the long run. I took in deep breathes of the cold, frigid air, and tried to figure out where I was.

Somehow my feet had carried me all the way to the lot without me even realizing it. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. Oh well, at least I won't get caught by Socs here.

I walked around the area for awhile, mulling over the thought of where I was going to stay for the night. I could try and go back to my house, but knowing my father, I'd just end up getting a black eye and getting kicked out again, so that was a no. Maybe I could stay over at one of the gangs houses? They wouldn't mind, would they? I signed and shook my head. They wouldn't want to be bothered by me, I know it.

I stuffed my hands into the pockets on my jean jacket and frowned. I guess I'm going to have to spend another cold, lonely night at the lot, which has basically become my second home. I found a nice, cozy spot on the ground and laid down. I guess this'll do for the night....

I lit up a weed and took a long drag from it. Glory, nothing felt better than smoking a weed at night, especially when it's freezing out. It's like the smoke just knows how to warm a person up, if you catch my drift.

I sighed and smiled. Ponyboy would agree with me, I just know it. That boy gets about anything you tell him, even when it doesn't make sense, but that's what happens when you're a dreamer, you understand almost anything that people tell you.

Sometimes I wonder if that's why I like him so much, or maybe it's because he's always there for me, or could it be his cute smile and charming looks? I shook that thought from my head and frowned. I shouldn't be thinking that way, it's wrong to think like that where I'm from.

But...I can't help to think that way...ever since what happened at the church, I've sorta developed feelings for the kid. He's so smart and charming that I just...

     My thoughts trailed off as I looked up at the sky. There's no words to describe how I feel, confused, maybe, but that's about it. All my feelings are in a jumbled up mess all thanks to Pony! I groaned and slammed my fists into the ground. I don't know what this feeling is, but I hate it. Even the sound of his name makes my heart beat a little faster! And anytime that he looks at me, it always gives me butterflies, and anytime our hands slightly touch, I blush! How would you even describe that! That's not normal!

     I wish this feeling would just go away, or, better yet, I wish it had never even came here in the first place. How did this feeling even surface? Was it during the 5 days that me and Pony spent alone up in that abandoned church? Or was it after that, when Ponyboy stayed with me at the hospital until I got better? Maybe this feeling came way before any of those things, and I'm just now realizing it?

    I took what was left of my cigarette and pressed it into the ground. I might as well get some sleep tonight, cause lord only knows what's in store for me tomorrow. I rolled over onto my side and wrapped my arms around myself. Tonight's going to be one cold night...

    I barely managed to fall asleep that night, what with the thought of Ponyboy being stuck in my head and all, but the last thing I remember thinking about was the times in the old abandoned church when Pony would read Gone With The Wind to me. He was so passionate in the way he read it, and it made me happy when he didn't scold me for asking questions while he read it. I loved watching the way he read aloud, too. The way his tone would change depending on the scene, and how he'd talk about the book afterwards with me.

    I smiled and sighed at the memory. If I had to pick favorite moments from the entire 5 days that we spent in that church, those would be my favorites. I closed my eyes and placed my hands under my head, and as I was about to drift off to sleep, I realized something....I'm in love with Ponyboy.

The Only Hope For Me Is You *Johnny x Ponyboy*Where stories live. Discover now