The Silly Girl and The Dream

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Silly me? Or silly dream? Either way it broke me more.
It was a good dream. A dream. That's all. It completed me. A dream, completed a person. How bizarre. How bizarre or insane am I? To actually think I was whole again.
You tapped me on the shoulder, I turned around clueless and shocked to see your face. Your smile was so genuine, so pure. You were actually happy to see me. You didn't see my reaction as my hair blew across my face, gliding with the wind. I had to go. I was confused, so I kept walking, not sure if I was the right person you were looking for. Those same, strong 3 taps that was instantly familiar. I turned around, now both of us smiling and conversing. I felt the piece of my heart that you broke become one again. My heart was beating happily. My tired heart was awake. My sadness was gone. My stomach became butterflies. As we parted, I couldn't stop smiling. Of course that is, until I woke up. My heart became tired, it became broken, and it became shattered. Again. Silly me, I thought you actually cared.

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