How to Keep Warm (Eric and Alan vs. William and Ronald)

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The London air was ice cold and uncomfortable to the youngest Shinigami of the group of five. He shivered and pulled his thick wool coat tighter around his shoulder. A shaky hand on his shoulder reminded him of why his partner was freezing his arse off. He was pulled closer to the larger man's body, being clung to for dear life. A blonde mess of hair covered his vision. He swatted the hair away and looked back at the ice covered corn rows.

"I hate the cold," the smaller man complained as a shiver coursed through his body. The man behind him tightened his arms around him. "Eric...?"

" 'm okay...Jus'ta bit of frost bite," Eric forced calmly through chattering teeth. " Are you warm, Al?"

"Not in the slightest," Alan said, shrugging off the large coat. "But there's our person. I wonder how William- Senpai and Ronald are handling the cold?"


Ronald ran his cold, leather clad fingers through his two toned hair. William, too stubborn to cuddle with his partner/lover for warmth, sat off to the side with his knees to his chest and his arms wrapped tightly around them. Ronald sighed as a shiver ran through his body. He didn't mind the cold. His body produced enough heat for him to want to take his suit jacket off. He walked over to the shivering man and dropped to his knees in front of him. He took his jacket off, causing the stotic Shinigami to look up at him.

"W-What are you...d-d-doing, Knox?!" William exclaimed. "It's bloody freezing out here!"

Ronald shrugged and began untucking his crisp white dress shirt. "It's a little cool out here, but I'm hot." He began to unbutton his shirt, crossing the line in William's point of view. But as soon as that shirt was open, he could feel heat radiating from the smaller body. Ronald laid his suit jacket on the roof beside William. He nudged the man down on top of it and began, with steady fingers, to remove William's jacket and unbuttoned his shirt as well. He undid his tie in order open his shirt completely. William was too cold to protest, especially once Ronald pressed his hot flesh upon his ice cold chest. He couldn't help but sigh at the warmth being transferred. Ronald took the other's jacket and pulled it on top of him to hold in what heat he produced.

William took his gloves off and pressed his ice cold finger tips against Ronald's chest, causing the blonde to gasp. "Jesus, Will, you hands are freezing. They're so cold, they're making my nipples hard."


Ronald sighed softly and took one hand and its glove and put them in his pants. "They'll be much warmer there, love."

"How do you produce so much body heat?"

"I just do. Don't question, just enjoy before our next reap."


Alan and Eric sighed as they walked into their shared flat. Both men began to strip as soon as the door closed, their blood soaked suits weighing them down. They were both completely naked by the time they got to their bedroom. Alan threw on a pair of footies and jogging pants. He hugged Eric from behind as he was putting on his jogging pants as well.

"You get the fire, I'll get the hot chocolate?" Alan said with a smile.

Eric returned the smile. " Deal." They high fived each other and went their separate ways. Alan hummed as he put water on to boil. He got out powered chocolate and the sugar. He got two cups out as he waited.

Eric shoved logs on top of the burning kindle, sighing from the heat that was being provided. Alan came into the small living room with a thick fleece blanket draped over his shoulder and two mugs of hot chocolate. Eric chuckled and took the blanket and a mug and sat in the floor. They cuddled in the floor with the blanket around them in front of the fire.

"I'll wash the clothes tomorrow morning," Eric said, taking a sip of his hot drink.

"You say that."

"I'll be the house wife tomorrow. You warm yet?"

"I am now."


William struggled to unlock the door. His hands had gone numb from having to have dig through the snow for his keys when he had dropped them earlier. Ronald place his hand on top of William's and guided the key to its hole and turned it. The door opened and slightly warm air stroked the eldest Shinigami's cheeks. Ronald closed the door behind them.

"Go change into warmer clothes and I'll start a fire for you."

William shook his head. "It won't warm my body up fast enough," he said, taking his gloves off and setting them on the nearly carved wooden table by the door.  He grabbed the blonde by his neck and pulled him closer to his shivering body. He kissed the other forcibly, needy.

Ronald plied the brunette off of him. He kissed William's forehead and chuckled. "Go get some warmer clothes while I start a fire, and then I'll help warm you up."

William pouted and done as he was told, setting as though he wasn't going to get his way. He put on some sweatpants he found in his drawer. He grabbed a thick sweater and made his way to the living room to find a nice, warm roaring fire and a half naked young blonde reaper. His body was waiting up at the sight.

"I didn't say put on warmer clothes. I said get some warmer clothes. Go on. Take them back off," Ronald said with a smile as he stoked the fire. "I can make you hot if you want~"

William didn't hesitate. "Hell yeah! I'm bloody freezing!"

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