Chapter 1 ~ Her Mind, Empty

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Aileen opened her spring green eyes.

"Where... am I?"

She looked around her, first left and then right. All she saw were trees, trees, and more trees. She stood up, brushed off her jeans and white t-shirt, and turned around.

Before her was a massive mansion surrounded by a garden of white roses and bluebells. At this point, she realized she was not wearing any shoes or socks. Having no choice but to move forward, she trudged to the mansion in hopes that the owner would let her stay the night.


Aileen finally stood at the door, long blonde hair moving in the sudden wind, and knocked on the door.

About five seconds later, the door was opened by a tall, black-haired man with crimson eyes and pale skin. He was wearing a black suit with a black tie and a white undershirt.

He stared at her in disinterest for a moment before Aileen finally got up the courage to ask the man if she could stay the night when he spoke.

"What business do you have here?" he asked.

Aileen got an odd feeling about the man after he spoke.

(Emily Alessandri) Very timidly, Aileen said, "Could I but stay the night? I am lost with no recollection of how I arrived at this place."

Something in the man's eyes softened, just the smallest bit.

"Come in and ask the master of the house," the stranger said, "for I am but a butler, and therefore not able to make that decision.

Aileen walks in the doorway of the mansion and sees the interior's beauty. It takes her breath away. The grand staircase had golden handrails and was carpeted in the same shade of red as that of a ripe tomato.

"Right this way Lady...?" The butler said.

Aileen sat in silence for a moment, trying to remember. "I... cannot recall," she admitted. "I only remember my first name, Aileen. I guess my surname is with my lost memories." She smiled apologetically.

The butler smiled back at her. "That is quite alright, Lady Aileen. I shall take you to my master now."

"Before you do, would you mind telling me your name?" Aileen asked the handsome butler.

He bowed at the waist with his hand over his chest where his heart would be. "Sebastian Michaelis, my lady, at your service."

"Thank you, Sebastian," Aileen said while blushing. "Please take me to your master to see if I may be accommodated for the night."

"Follow me, Lady Aileen."

With another bow, Sebastian brought Aileen to his young master's study.

When they arrived Sebastian said, "Please wait here for a moment, Lady Aileen. I shall announce your presence to the Earl."

With one last bow, Sebastian left Aileen in the hall and went to talk to his master.


A few moments later, Sebastian reappeared at the door.

"Lady Aileen, please step inside. The young lord wishes to see you."

Slowly, Aileen walked into the room. A child, who couldn't have been more than thirteen or fourteen years old, sat behind a large wooden desk.

"Please, have a seat," the child said.

Aileen looked over at Sebastian, who had an amused smirk on his face. He gestured for her to sit down and she did with another blush.

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