Taking Desperate Measures

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The island's features were quite devistating. The chilly wind was frantic as I find myself unclothed and bruised on portions of my body. The scene of the plane wreck distorts my memory as I cannot recall the last thing that happened.

I begin to step up with a pain immensley on my lower anus. I began to check my body again. There seemed to be something sticky on my glutes.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me.." It was not too long before I realized what had just happened. I have gotten stripped and raped. What sick bastard could've done this?

I walk over to the plane wreck. Bodies over bodies I see tens of people on top of eachother stacked and stripped empty of their clothings.

I walk towards the back of the plane to look for supplies. The smell of the dead bodies were worse than the back of a Japenese buffet. Children were moved to one side of the plane clothed but dead. Women and men were seperated into two piles but found naked.

I see the emergency cabinet in the back of the plane. As I begin to open it I hear the footsteps get closer as the birds away.

Ah crap.

"Hey amigo go check the plane again to see if it's still there." One man says.

I found myself in a sticky situation. I had no choice but to participate into pretending to being dead.

I begin by taking deep breaths and used a technique they taught me in the military on slowing down your breathing rate. I slowly drop myself ontop of the dead male naked bodies. Just the atmospherre killed me inside as I feel a man's manhood.

"Hey Carlos, I think I got the sucker! Haha!"

"No way you've got to be shitting me, can't wait to tell Boss!"

"Yep, this piece of shit ain't even worth a dime."

I closley listen into their conversation, until I hear a disruptive noise coming from the airplane's bathroom.

"Carlos, go check that shit out." He whispers.

"Quick hand me your gun."

Great I have two guys with one person armed, however I cannot assume there are only two. There could be more.

The man walks towards me looking white as a ghost and cold as a polar bear. Nervously he drops the gun next to my anus.

"You're fucking kidding me.." the man complains. Trust me I would too if I were him.

He reaches down for the gun with his left hand covering his nose. His eyes are disgusted. I did not move.

He searches again and clears the bathroom.

"Put your hands up!" I hear him scream.

"I am not armed and not looking for any trouble. Do not shoot!"

I recognize that voice. I still cannot retain memory of who she is until I see her.

"We'll see about that. Come on, move!"

It was not until then I realized who the lady was, she was the person I sat next to.

"Who do we got here? Hey tits how you doing." a man says.

"Now tell us your name."

"I don't speak to murderers!" she says.

"We're not here to murder miss, were on a contract, now tell me who you are?"

An awkward silence.

"Bitch awnser me when I ask a question!" the man says.

I could hear a punch to the woman as she begins to mutter in pain. I got to help this woman.

I slowly crawl my way to the back of the plane to find a way out. I run into the Jungle. I flank right, to be behind the interrogator, hidden by the green shades of the jungle.

I see the one man, with his buddy away interrogating I can easily take this guy out.

I crouch and slowly walk behind him. I hold his mouth with one hand and with the other I snap his neck.

I return his body to the jungle. Now only one more.

"Miss i'm not going to ask you one more time," cocks gun then points "tell me your fucking name!"

This gave me the opportunity to rush him and tackle him to the ground. Only by then I choked him to death with my hands.

I told myself I was going to stay away from this, post military. Guess I was wrong.

He takes his last breath as his eyes begin to turn grey.

The lady runs off into the jungle.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2013 ⏰

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