Man at war (Pewdiecry One-Shot)

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Ryan's POV

The breeze blew softly around my sitting figure, the tree's leaves and branches rustling with the movement. The sun's rays luminated the green hill I sat on as I stared off into the busy and bright city emptily.

The luscious green grass and bright yellow flowers surrounding me blew in many directions and so did my hair. Usually, I would've rolled my eyes in annoyance and tuck it away, but I didn't care right now.

I didn't care about anything anymore, now that I didn't have him.

He swore. He promised he would return, that when he did we wouldn't separate ever again. I remember how I smiled and let him go, even though it killed me to say goodbye.


''Will you come back?" I whispered into his ear as we hugged. Many other's were departing for the same reason Felix was, so the airport was filled with teary-eyed or sobbing family. I held in my tears all the way, since I didn't want my boyfriend feeling guilty for leaving me.

"I pinky promise." He said, making me chuckle through my held-in tears. I pulled back from the hug and held out my pinky. He smiled that bright smile

of his and joined our pinkies together. "I pinky promise on my life." He whispered.

We leaned our foreheads together, eyes shut as the intercom called for his plane. I let out a shaky breath and looked him in the eye, sharing one last goodbye and kiss.

I watched as he pulled away from me and began walking off to the gate, occasionally looking back and reassuring me with a smile. I merely smiled back amd waved until I no longer saw his body. My tears finally fell out of my eyes as I left the airport, heart heavy and water clouding my eyes.


I remember that my heart felt I should've begged for him not to go that day. Tell him that I couldn't stand one day without his hugs, smiles, or kisses. But I dismissed the feeling. It was his dream to fight for this country, and I didn't want him to give up his dream over a probably way-too attached boyfriend.

But it didn't matter, because he hadn't returned.

I clearly remember that day, so clearly I could retell it with such detail. That day determined that my life lost all meaning to it. That day made me ache and hurt more than burns, cuts, or bruises. The day that I realized I lost my only source of joy in life, Felix..


I smiled, not being able to hold in the utter joy in my soul as I made sure everything was in order for Felix's returns. Everything we ever needed to have a great time together: pizza and video games all begging to be played and eaten.

I checked over the clock and squealed. His plane should be landing in twenty minutes, then I can pick him up and kiss him, pleading for him never to leave my side again.


My phone rang, cutting off my plans. I reached over the couch and grabbed my phone, glancing over at the clock again before answering. "Hello?" I spoke into the phone, leaning back and waiting for the other end to sound.

"Ryan?" A familiar voice asked, causing me to sit up. "Yes, sir?" I said, nervousness beginning to stir inside of me at the unexpected call from the general of the army Felix just-so-happens to be in.

I pushed away the feeling of bad news in my gut and listened for the general to speak again. I couldn't just jump to conclusions in this situation.

"I-I've been meaning to tell you this, but...I didn't know how to.." He spoke in a grim tone, making the nervousness bubble even more. "Ryan. Felix didn't return to the base after a mission, and we're afraid he's-"

It cut off as the small phone slipped out of my jello fingers and fell to the wooden floor with a heart-dropping thud. The general's voice became distant as I stood and began walking towards our bedroom, shocked and not able to cry. The call cut off and the sound was so loud it echoed throughout the house, but I ignored it.

Once in our used-to-be shared bedroom did I scream, letting my broken heart take over.

Out of pure pain, I destroyed the furniture, clothes, and bed; all the while me sobbing and wailing like a small child. After a whole hour of my mess did I stop and notice what I've done. I sniffed, hopelessly trying to stop my tears as I crawled into what was left of the bed and clutched his pillow. It smelled just like him...

I closed my sore and puffy eyes, hoping that this was just some sick dream and the next day he'll be right next to me, smiling and soothing me that this dream will never happen in real life.

I woke the next morning...only to be met with an empty space..


I laughed bitterly as I wiped a few tears away. It was so damn funny. Hilarious even, that one memory was the most replayed in my mind, since it was so important.

I didn't even let the general finish what he was saying, but it was that simple sentence to declare that my life was over. That what was once a life full of color was now a dull, empty void that can only be filled with his voice, laughter, smile, everything.

"Ryan?" A raspy voice called out, but it mixed with the wind, making it seem like it was a faint whisper.

I sighed angrily. Now I was going insane, I was hearing his voice now. "Ryan!" It called out even louder. I shook my head in disbelief. I didn't want any false hope, I didn't need it, but I just had to turn around. Just had to ease that one overpowering hope.

I was fully expecting to see nothing but the grass blowing and leaves cascading down with the wind once I turned my head, but no. There stood the man who held my heart, the man who I couldn't bear to live without, the man who I thought was dead, and the man who was at war for what seemed like forever.

His sandy blonde hair was a disheveled mess, yet, it still looked effortlessly beautiful. His eyes looked tired from deprived rest, but they still manged to have that glow I loved oh so much.

With shaky legs, I stood, not yet believing the sight infront of me. "F-Felix?" I whispered incredulously. He gave me a tired smile and held his arms open.

"Felix!" I yelled, running towards his figure. Tears streamed down my face like it was their job as I jumped onto the Swede, my legs wrapping around his waist. Sobs racked my body as his hand ran up and down on my back, soothing me instantly.

"God, I missed you so much, Ryan." He whispered breathlessly as I sobbed into his shoulder. "Don't scare me like that again, please." I cried desperately, clinging onto the man.

Felix pulled back and stared into my watery eyes, wiping away stray tears. "Never." He spoke, before pressing his lips to mine in a breath-taking kiss. It held so much emotion, my heart felt as if it would burst. I pulled back, my breath taken from me.

"I-I love you, Felix." I whispered the words I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to say ever again. "I love you too, Ryan."


Whale, that was my one-shot! :D

I'm not sure if it's long enough for the contest, but I'm proud of it nonetheless. I'm so glad to be participating in a competition with such great writers. I've read others and knew they'll win, but mine-as-well try. Right? Whale, that's all!

-Em ._.

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