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Sometimes it can feel like you're in this bubble of thoughts; you just have so many things going on and so many thoughts. The slightest things get you the most aggravated you'd ever been. Then everybody blames it on hormones. Or they just straight up tell you you're a horrible person that's mad all of the time. I know the pain you're in. And i know sometimes it's hard to fight it. Hard to fight the urge, hard to fight the people that are hurting you.
They tell you to ignore it or tell somebody. They tell you to just push it away and forget about it. What is that going to do to help you? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Don't listen to their crap, Listen to me. I will not be like every other human being who doesn't have a clue what they're doing. Ill help. Ill tell you that pushing it all away doesn't help and you can't just forget about it, because no matter how hard you try it will haunt you and it will keep hurting you.
I know telling somebody or talking to a counselor is awkward and most of the time it doesn't help or you just can't afford it: that's why i'm here. Ill help you through all of it.
When somebody is bullying you, they're just jealous. You have something they don't that they want. Either that, or they like you. Sometimes boys communicate to girls in a really strange way. Usually when a guy bullies you he likes you, but not always. There are certain ways to tell if he does or if hes just being a jerk:
1)if hes blushing he's crushing
2)if he acts awkward he's crushing
3)if he makes eye contact *usually* he's not interested
(Those are just a couple of the ways to tell)
When you have a lot of stuff going on in your head it can be very stressful. What i like to do when i have a lot going on is write it down and set certain things for certain days. If i wanted to paint, do homework and watch a couple movies on Sunday i'd write this down:
If you have any questions or would like me to talk about one certain topic comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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