CHAPTER ONE: School Days

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It was an overcast day, the sky a dirty dishwater colour and the waves rolling onto the beach. I sat there watching wave after wave, digging my feet into the sand feeling the grains between my toes.

I can smell the salt as I feel the first raindrop of the day hit my cheek. With this I stand and walk over to my glossy black car hoping to make it home before the real rain hits. I turn the key and the car starts with a low roar as I drive through Main Street watching everyone sheltering away from the rain with large umbrellas or by standing under cover.

I make it home and sit in my car hearing the heavy rain pound on its roof. After awhile I decide to try it make it to the house without getting too wet. So with this in mind I quickly open the car door and run toward the house, making it undercover completely drenched. I sigh as begin to unlock the door fumbling for the right key until it swings open allowing me to step inside, my clothes dripping onto the floor beneath me. I hurriedly walk to the bathroom and begin to peel off my wet clothes and jump under the warm rain of my shower. After a long 20 minutes the water begins to turn cold so I step out and start to get dressed sliding on a grey singlet and black leather pants. I give up trying to style my hair so I just tie my long black wavy hair into a messy bun and slip into my black converse and grab my green army jacket. After slinging my school bag over my shoulder and grabbing my wallet I walk out the door just as the rain stops.

The big yellow school bus rolls in and I causally step on board making sure to sit down the very back and put my earphones in attempting to tune out the world. A few short minutes later and the bus pulls to a stop right out front of my school it's huge brick walls towering high above me. I step off and walk toward the entrance.

Now I'm full aware that most people hates school and I know your probably stuck in it right now, but if you think your lives hard welcome to mine.

I walk through the hallway with my head facing down and my cold metal locker keys in my hand walking quickly past the crowds of people yelling about things I couldn't care less about. I make it to my locker completely unnoticed until Paris slams up against the locker next to me.

"Hey, Alex how are you?" Paris says bright and bubbly as every.

"Hi Paris, I'm fine." I say flatly.

"Always the same." She says.

"Well nothing's really changed." I say grabbing my books from my locker.

"Hi I'm Alex and I'm fine and boring." She says lowering her voice dramatically awfully attempting to imitate me.

"Ha ha very funny." I say rolling my eyes not laughing at all, slamming my locker door shut.

"So, are you going?" She says almost jumping with excitement.

"Really you think I'm going. I'm surprised you even asked." I say looking at her.

"But it's the last dance of the year." She says whining.

"Well  I guess your just gonna have to go without me. Plus I don't have a date so there's not point in even going to this stupid dance." I say sternly.

"Well maybe, just maybe a certain someone might have fixed that." She says mysteriously.

"Paris what did you do?" I say glaring at her.

"I might have organised a date for you." She says clapping her hands together in excitement.

"Oh really, and how many lesbians do you know at this school?." I say dismissing the idea.

"Well that depends am I including you?" She says jokingly.

"Ha ha. What's her name?" I say surprisingly interested no.

"Oh, look who interested now." She says all high and mighty.

"And I'm slowly losing interest." I say looking away now.

"Ok ok, Skylar. That's her name." She says defeated.

"Skylar?" I say questioningly.

"It's a big school you can't know everyone. But she's in your English." She says waiting for my response.

"Oh, ohhh. That's the girl that sits at the back right." I say finally realising who she's talking about.

"Yeah." She says smiling.

"And why does she want to go with me?" I ask.

"Well maybe it's got something to do with your charm." She says laughing once more.

"Ha ha so funny." I say smiling a little.

"Anyway there 2 weeks till the dance so you have some time to get to know each other." She says happy with herself.

"That's if I even go." I say still not completely convinced.

"No, I got you a date which means your going." She says sternly.

"Fine." I say secretly excited.

"Perfect, let's talk dresses." She says honesty jumping for joy.

"Really? You don't know me at all." I say dismissing the idea.

"Yeah well I didn't think you'd be up for the idea anyway, but I thought hey cute date might what to impress them." She says grinning.

"I hate you sometimes." I say.

"I know, so after school." She says triumphantly.

"I can't get out of this, can I?" I ask tired just at the thought of it.

"Nope, so best to enjoy it." She says happily.

"Ok." I say flatly.

"So 3:00 outside of school." She says checking once more.

"Yeah, ok." I say just wanting to end the conversation.

I leave Paris and  walk towards my first class with my bag slung over my shoulder and my binder under my right arm. I enter the classroom and take my usually sit near the window and slowly tune out as Mr Worthington rambles on about the issues with calculators and how backs in his day he would have to use his brain to figure out the answers to everything.

But honestly who cares?

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