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Hi, its me!

Ive been wanting to write this for little over a year now, and now i can get this out to the world.

So, before we begin reading...

I'd like to acknowledge a few people

Starting with...

These characters in the books, they're based after real people. Real friends of mine, some I'm not friends with anymore, others I've gotten closer with, so to all of you...

Thank you.

Thank you to the people that supported me, wanted me to do this helped me do this... Thank you.

Thank you to the people that tried to hold me back, you gave me a reason not to put this thing down... Cause you said i shouldn't, said i couldn't  said warriors was childish... And that its time to move on...

Cause now I'm proving you wrong.

To all those people who want to write something like this, but are afraid looking childish... Afraid of being left behind...

Thank you.

Because your giving me a reason to continue.

Don't give up on this, cause your book can change someones life

And i hope mine does to

Now, without further a due, i present:

Warriors: Rise of Stormclan

Lets begin.


The Rise of StormclanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora