Chapter 1 (Only Chapter)

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Friday. February 13, 2015.

Dear journal,

Hello! My name is Freddy and I'm eleven years old. I've been begging my mom to get me a journal for the longest time and she FINALLY did it today!

Ever since my grandmother passed away, I've wanted a journal that I could write down my thoughts in.

She had a journal. So many fascinating things about her childhood...I've read the entire thing cover to cover.

I want to leave something like that behind for future generations to read and enjoy. That's what I'm doing here!

And what better day to kick this off than Friday the 13th, right? Hopefully, my journal doesn't try to gut me with a machete, haha.

To anyone reading this in the future, I hope that you find these journal entries as fascinating as I found my grandmother's.

-Freddy :)

Saturday. February 14, 2015.

Dear journal,

Happy Valentine's day!

What have I been doing? Oh, not much. I've just been spending the day banging my girlfriend.

Haha, just kidding, I'm a single Pringle.

I've actually been spending the day hanging out with my best friend Peter. He's a couple months older than me and he lives right across the street.

Peter's been there for me for as long as I can remember. We first became friends when my dad died in a car accident. I was six years old at the time and I didn't know what to do. I was angry, scared, and upset all at the same time.

My mom and sister have never really cared about me, so as expected, they only checked up on each other.

Peter, on the other hand, heard about what happened, and came over to my house just to give me a hug. I cried in his arms.

Ever since then, we've been best friends.

I love Peter. I'd never say that to his face, though. He'd freak out and call me gay. I'm not gay, but...he's my best friend. Plus, my mom and sister aren't ever there for me, and Peter always is. How can I not love him?

As far as I'm concerned, now that my dad's gone, Peter is the only family I have left.

-Freddy :)

Friday. February 20, 2015.

Dear journal,

Sorry I haven't updated all week. I kept forgetting to because school is sooooo I'm still getting used to the fact that I have a journal now.

Peter says he wants to go bike riding with me Sunday afternoon. I can't wait!

-Freddy :)

Saturday. February 21, 2015.

Dear journal,

My stupid sister stuck gum in my hair because I wouldn't let her copy my homework!

I told her that she'd never learn anything by copying other people's work. Immediately after I said that, she took the gum that she was chewing out of her mouth, shouted "You're a jerk!", and stuck the gum in my hair!

One of these days, she's gonna have to learn how to grow up!

-Freddy :(

Sunday. February 22, 2015.

Dear JournalWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt