Chapter 23: Infinity

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Maya's POV

The day of the dance had finally arrived. Everyone was overjoyed, talking to their friends excitedly and skipping around the halls. They were living life. They were using their time wisely by having fun. They were having fun with their best friends. They had best friends.

My pointless thoughts were interrupted by Isadora, who was rambling on about everyone's tomfoolery. I found myself still not listening, due to me thinking about something else. She was still on my mind, even after everything. She would keep succeeding at distracting me, even though she wasn't right there beside me.

Isadora eventually figured out that I was far from listening to her, and practically yelled at me. I quickly apologized before my attention landed on something else. Riley walked down the hall, her hair slightly brushing her face as she opened her locker. I bit my lip nervously, trying to refrain myself from going up to Riley and squeezing her tight.

We haven't talked in weeks, and it was slowly killing me inside. Before I met Riley, I couldn't deal with life. But now, I couldn't deal with life without her. At that point, I didn't care how much the girl hurt me. I just wanted to touch her, hug her, and kiss her again.

My heart was racing, my hands trembling. I just couldn't stop staring at her. I tried to keep my sanity, but I was too far from being sane again. Riley was always successful at making me insane for her. Isadora sighed impatiently, her arms crossed. "Sorry, Izzy, but
I'll be right back," I muttered before making my way toward Riley.

Isadora's face was in shock and disappointment at the same time. Riley noticed me coming toward her, and her expression changed. I stopped by her locker, where she was standing. I had no idea what to say at the moment. I didn't make a plan, nor did I think this through. I just wanted to have Riley's company once more.

Riley crossed her arms, her brown eyes burning through me. I nibbled on my lip as if it was my only source of food. "What do you want, Maya?" Riley inquired, looking down at the floor. My eyes briefly landed on Riley's lips, but she didn't notice my random action.

"I want to talk to you," I replied before pulling Riley into the empty student lounge. I noticed that my hand was in hers now, and that Riley didn't pull her hand away from mine. Riley's teeth latched onto her lip like a reflex, and she reluctantly pulled her hand away from mine. I looked down, trying to not show her the sadness in my eyes.

Riley walked toward a nearby window. "Why would you want to talk to me, Maya? You clearly said you were done with me for good, and now you want to talk to me? You're so bipolar, it's not even funny. I...I just can't deal with you and your games anymore. We're over. We've been over," she commented, completely facing the window now.

I had said that I was done fighting for Riley. That I was done being her friend, and wanted to stay away from her as far as possible. Back then, I really wanted to forget about Riley. I wanted to forget the day I met her and how she saved me from being randomly arrested. She saved me from all that, and I wanted to forget her. I was selfish. I didn't want to be selfish anymore. I wanted to make her happiness my number one priority again.

I strolled over to Riley, standing beside her. We looked out the window, where cars were passing the busy street and students were rushing to get inside the school building. I felt Riley's hand intertwine with mine. "I kissed a complete stranger the other day. I cheated on Lucas. I haven't spoken to Lucas for a good few days, and I feel really bad. But the problem is, I liked the kiss. And...And, I saw a figure of you standing next to me that night. You told me to kiss him, because I was that kind of person. I don't want to be that kind of person," Riley murmured after a long silence, a tear falling down her cheek.

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