Their Rights

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The view in the daylight is pure as white.
Birds whisper like they singing sweet lullabies.
Next minute, dark sky and grey clouds.
I see fireworks, they see rackets.
I walk freely, they shoot with tanks.
Buildings shattered on the floor.
The world is blinded full of hatred in their soul. Believing every single word,
the media is well spoken for - mostly of lies.
They commercialize meaningless lines,
with captions to catch the eye.
Encrypting young minds,
protecting their phone like the last string to survive.
Creep with disguise,
now a whole religion is judged - why?
Because an individual chose to act vicious,
then covered it up with denies.
They don't recognize the real enemy
is the one mistaken for allies.
Right above their nose the truth hides.
Too many casualties, slaughtered by guns.

Men, women, children robbed of their lives.
Ten, seven, billion no justice.
Yet again, the innocent are the victims.
How come they are the target?
A child forsaken all alone, none left all buried in a hole. Killed by the cold war, taken from their home. It's their right to stand.
One country, tear dropping, hand in hand.
They stand, to get back what they had.
This has gone far beyond a tale, they say the war is coming, I say it's already begun.
They say racism is gone,
I say it's very much alive and well.
Let peace be upon us,
let go of the continuous modernization.
Words we shorten, human beings are dangerous.
To each other nonetheless, hurting only their kind without further explanation. Let the truth be told, cause lies eventually add up and there's nothing more to resolute.
They demand their rights,
shouting on top of a destructed tower.
Oh God.
For many years we wished to be freed,
without an outsider to tell us how we should live.
Every single day, we get challenged, where's  our rights towards release?

Xoxo, Tessa'LaBelle

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2019 ⏰

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