Young Justice Legacy : Athens Museum of Natural History

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"Come on, we're almost there!" John Stewart did his best to maintain his force-field around the civilians, as well as himself and Alpha-Squad. He was able to see the doorway which lead outside of this now-collapsing Museum of Natural History in Athens, Greece. The mission was originally a "Search and Rescue" to save Dr. Helena Sandsmark, the mother of Wonder Girl, who was kidnapped. Like all of the teams past Search and Rescue missions, it turned into a brawl with building destruction. Cassie, of course, insisted to go with Alpha-Squad to save her mother. As they made their way through the museum, her excitement and anticipation to see her mother slowly changed to anger as they moved through each room. That anger immediately turned to heartbreak upon discovering Dr. Sandsmark was not to be found. Instead, they found Sportsmaster, who commenced the destruction of the museum.

Already having gone through five waves of Sportsmaster's henchmen, Artemis began picking up her used arrows, for there was no telling how many more they were going to fight their way through. "Here come some more! Do your best to stay in the force-field!" She yelled to Superboy and Wonder Girl, notching an arrow into one of her father's henchmen.

"Tell them to stop running away!" Conner threw one of the destroyed statues at a small group of the enemy soldiers. "Maybe we should just let the debris from the ceiling take care of them, for us." He turned and noticed Cassie had flown out of the force-field, charging at an enemy with a mini-gun. "Wonder Girl, wait!" He yelled to her over the crashes of falling debris, leaving Lantern's force-field to protect her. Unlike himself, Cassie wasn't invulnerable to rocks or bullets.

"I got him, Superboy, see? All taken care-AGH!" Cassie wasn't fast enough to get out of the way from the collapsing column, she screamed in pain as it pinned her to the ground.

Artemis and Green Lantern caught up to Superboy, seeing the column fall onto Cassie. "Wonder Girl!" Artemis yelled and began to run over before getting blocked by Conner's arm. "Superboy, what are you doing?! We have to help her!"

"Not we. I'm going to get her, the boulders won't kill me. Stay here with G.L. and keep the civilians safe, I'll get Wonder Girl and meet you outside."


"Go! I got her!" Conner ran out of the force-field again, roundhouse-kicking a henchmen in the head before reaching Cassie. He moved the column off of Cassie, setting it against another giant piece of debris, protecting both of them from other falling debris. "Please be alright..." Placing his fingers on her neck, he felt for her pulse. "She's alive! Cassie, you alright?" He brushed some of her hair away from her face, lifting her up a bit as he cradled her head on his arm.

Cassie let out a few coughs, breathing in the dust-filled air. Hazily looking up, she met Conner's blue eyes staring at her with worry. "Superboy?" Her voice was dry, she was still having a hard time believing she just had a column fall on her.

"Glad to see you aren't dead, I was afraid I'd have to carry you." A playful smirk on his face, Conner offered his hand to help her stand.

As she went to take his hand, she collapsed and held her side. "Ugh, you may still have to..." Trying once more, she lifted her arm and groaned in pain. "My side is killing me, what the--" Cassie looked down and noticed the red on her hand. "Well, that explains it. Nice going Cassie, you go to save your mother, and then you end up as the one who needs saving..." She mumbled to herself, quickly noticing Conner was still there with her. Blushing, she gave him a small smile as she laughed from her minor embarrassment. "Sorry, about that..."

"Let's get you out of here. Watch your head, I need to get this stone out of our way, then I can carry you outta here." Turning to face the boulder, Conner noticed there was no easy way to grab it. He punched two holes into it, perfect to fit his fists as he lifted it over their heads.

Young Justice Legacy : Athens Museum of Natural HistoryWhere stories live. Discover now