Chapter 1

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It was obnoxiously cold, the onyx-haired warrior noticed, sneering softly at the icy walls, not suit for his taste. Not to mention the gust that lifted him off his feet and pushed him forward a few steps. That was the only thing the girl could do, really, just push him forward with a little squall, nothing too overpowering. But with her faded emerald eyes and and parfait hair, she enjoyed the little power.

'Fancy seeing you here,' she smiled mirthlessly, letting the gold gauntlets clink on her wrists as she bowed sarcastically.

'Wonderful weather your spouse has donned upon for my arrival,' he responded, with just as much enthusiasm. Glad for taking up the moment to jab her again with his cocky attitude.

'Would you have preferred hellfire?'

'I've heard hell is cold, so don't mind and go make sure for me.'

'I thought you'd already know, being a devil and all.'

'Funny.' He replied, smirking.
The ice splintered from below, green pushing against its skin until it fractured into a spiderweb of shards, bursting at the end. The sibling's mocha skin and dark molten eyes warmed the room a considerable amount, mossy green erupting from where she had just appeared. 'It's been such a long time since he called us, don't you think? Caliburn, Durean?'

'I feel just as honored to be in your presence, Joy.' Caliburn smirked his true intent at the Earth Changer.

'Shut up, you bloated buffoon.' Dureandal snapped back. Caliburn just gave her a suave smile, although his fists tightened, god how he wanted this meeting to get over with.

'I apologize, my friends to keep you waiting,' Excalibur came front through the ice doors, his sense of Angelo-Saxon clothing always prominent when he approached. Blue double breasted coat that hung to the mid-thigh, velvet and high collared. If only the collar would twist and choke him.

'Nice to see you breathing, dearest.' Caliburn walked past Excalibur, into the main room without invitation.

'Nice to see you being a pain as always.'

Durendal and Excalibur shared a look of distaste, and headed behind Joyuse, whom nobody had a problem with, not even the Burnt One.

'Why are we here again?' Caliburn asked, lounging on Excalibur's chair, one that was built to look like King Arthur's throne.

'Because we haven't met each other in a whole century!' Joyuse replied, smiling to face everyone, her silken dress fluttering at the movement.

'Doesn't seem long enough,' Caliburn pouted, reaching for the crown and placing it on his face, as to cover his boredom. Excalibur's gut tightened, and he refrained from snapping his fingers and crushing Caliburn's windpipe, even if he knew the dissatisfaction he felt when Caliburn simply healed, bruise on his neck, demons present in his eyes. If only he could head for the others jugular or something, and the other would stay dead. In all matters, Excalibur was a gentleman, and no gentleman would let that ugly side show in front of the maidens. But by God he wanted to kill his brother.

'Let's get started. How is everyone?' Joy asked, settling down on the ice, ferns starting to grow around her already.

'Stuck in a rock.' Dunreal laughed, settling next to her own twin.

'Where I always am. With the Lady of the Lake.' Excalibur replied, his answer neverchanging.

'I just got rid of another master. So boring.' Caliburn answered, sighing, deflating in the throne. 'The only thing he cared about was continent domination, how narrow minded.'

'And what would you've preferred?' Excalibur snapped icily, nerves on the verge of freezing over- but he didn't want another Ice Age to erupt in such a hurry.

'Domination of time, space, and...the gods themselves.'

'Well I just got moved to the Louve museum!' Joyuse interrupted, clapping her hands. Dunreal frowned, the only thing that made swords weaker was staying apart from their life component for too long, Joy's being Earth, plants and soil specifically, and virtue. Excalibur's being ice, water, frost, snow, wisdom. Caliburn's being flames, heat, magma, all burning things, and death-anything that could cause it too. Dunreal's was wind, tornadoes, and skill. Now that Joyuse was in the Louve-wouldn't that make her weaker?

'And you're happy?' Caliburn laughed from his seat.

'Yes. Because I've overheard some news,' she paused dramatically, 'There is a new quest. That involves us.'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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