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As I sat on The couch I noticed it was quiet too quiet 3 2 1 I said then they busted threw the door. They were screaming extremely loud and I was just trying to read. "Can you be quiet"! I yelled "Sorry Rave!" Cyborg said still yelling "We're playing who can scream the loudest"! "And I am currently the winning"!!! Starfire screamed "We're gonna play a new game called don't annoy Raven or you die"! The now frighted Titans shook their heads and zipped their lips Cyborg and Beast Boy starting playing a video game and made a point of cutting the volume off. Star started playing with Silkie and Robin started playing with one of his gadgets. "Good ." I thought as I went back to my book and started doing what I often did when the others thought I was reading. I watched them and as I did I thought about them. Starfire she was so sweet and kind but she could sure deliver a butt kicking she annoyed me the least and was just all around awesome definitely my best friend or as close to one as I'd ever had. And on the other end of the spectrum their was Robin my least favorite he was obsessive crazy annoying and a perfectionist but seeing as he was the only person on the team who could appreciate a good egg pun I'd let it slide, sometimes. Then their was Cyborg who was just as obnoxious but not as insane the fact that he love a car more than us was something I could relate to with my Pretty Pretty Pegasus dolls. Then their was Beast Boy and where do I start. "Well...." I started to think. But my thought was cut short by the crime alert Robin pulled up the central consule and told us that the Hive were attacking the jump city bank. We sprung to action and within a few minutes the hive were getting their butts kicked. After a quick take down we went out to eat because Robin was proud of us for defeated the Hive in record time. As I munched on some fries I thought about that one day that one moment where it seemed like it was just him and me in the world. "And you had to go and ruin it." I thought " Stupid Stupid Stupid." I mumbled to myself " What was that?" Robin asked "Nothing." I said he nodded and they went back to their conversation Which was about who would win in a fight a Zombie Pirate Ninja or a Centar Merman who could shoot lasers out of his fingers. (Neither I said a flying monkey with a laser firing key board and shark controlling powers would totally take them both.) And we finished our food and went home. But I was still thinking about Beast Boy. "Why" I wondered but I knew why because of that day, that day that we never talked about, the day I never got closer for.

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