Face to Face (Kamijo One-Shot)

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“Suki na doubutsu wa nan desu ka?”[1]

The teacher asked a girl; ’twas a favourite student; Lexy Jones.

The girl loved Japan and everything about it. Her only problem, she lived in England and had no money to get on the next plane out of there.

Quickly Lexy answered her teacher with ease,

“Watashi no suki na doubutsu wa kitsune desu.”[2]

Japanese was an easy language to learn for Lexy, it was why everyone went to the girl when they got stuck with words or phrases.

The lesson finally ended and it was late, the one thing Lexy loathed on a Wednesday, but before she left the building, she felt anxious to look at her phone and when she did, her heart began to flutter, she saw one notification that she had been waiting for, for a couple of days. An E-mail. Since Lexy lived on the internet like a normal teen; she had many internet friends she talked with, but one of these friends, had been talking with Lexy for over five years and yet, all she could call him was 'K' or 'Mr. K'.

When Lexy first talked to him, it wasn't intentional to continue to talk to him since at the time he was thirty-three and she only being fourteen and beginning to spend more time on the internet, so when she met him over a forum for Japanese music they had trouble communicating though Lexy didn't mind and was very cautious of who she spoke to, but finally after a while they began to communicate just fine since he knew more than enough English by that point with the help of Lexy and her little knowledge of Japanese, they both started to E-mail each other more and more until every day they would at least send each other 10 E-mails. So after three years, they finally had their very first Skype call when she was seventeen, they had a nice laugh together though he wore a surgical but Lexy didn't seem to mind it, since he was in Japan. But after that Skype call with 'K', Lexy found herself slowly falling for the older man.

But still the girl wondered, what was his name? His job? He never really told her anything about himself and only asked her the questions, even though she tried countless times to ask him about it but he would always manage to dodge the question, be it changing the subject or ignoring the question altogether, but still Lexy wanted to know more about her mysterious pen-pal.

Lexy opened the message while leaning against the wall,

'Hey Lexy,

I'm doing fine, thank you. It's been a bit hectic for me recently though. That's why I haven't replied in a day or so, but thank you for the encouraging words, you're so kind! (◠◡ ◠)ノ I really appreciate your support, Lexy.

Also, I'm glad that you're progressing well in your Japanese classes, I find it wonderful that you've taken interest in learning my language. Maybe we can talk to each other in Japanese. (~  ̄▽ ̄)~ Anyway, if I recall, you live in the South East of England, right? It seems like a really wonderful place to live, and I wonder what the beach is like there. ~(︶3︶)~

ではまたすぐにね。-K' [3]

She smiled gently at her phone, and so she left for home knowing she didn't want to miss her bus again and be forced to walk the hour home.

Opening her laptop she went straight to Twitter and her J-Rock forum or as she called it; her second home and family, it was quite a close environment unless you put a debate of who is the better band, then the family would turn into a world war three. Only herself and a few others would stop the fighting if it got too out of hand, as she browsed the forum she found a new thread on one of her favourite new solo artists Kamijo the ex. Vocalist of Versailles, she loved the band for years and followed them like the fan she was,

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