chapter 1

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This first chapter will probably be the only chapter written in third person until the actual damage is done by Anita.

This band is different than most bands, and that's what will end their career as a band. They shared everything from toothbrushes to pants but, the one thing they refused to share would be a girl. Though, little did they know they've all been talking to the same girl for a little over three months. Anita Staton knew what she was doing and exactly who she was talking too, but she was greedy and didn't just want Calum or Ashton, Luke or Mikey, she wanted them all.

    As she smiles at her phone she continues to text Michael back, even though a message just popped up from Luke. She was skilled at this, by the second week she figured out a calling schedule for the boys, but constantly reminded them  of their band rules, and the main one, which is the boys can't meet the girl until the sixth month of dating and they planned on getting very serious. So, as far as her concerns go, she has another three months before Luke will pop the question to her.

    Her fingers trace over her keypad on her phone while the boys who all lay on their bunks in the bus as the Australian air is dark, she's doing her day job which is school. They all know she's 17, but they also know she'll be turning 18 next month. She had managed to wiggle her way into all of their hearts, only to break them up. Anita work's for an internationally known magazine who is normally pretty good at getting the scoop out first, because Tomilson Inc has no desire to share the limelight. They put their best out to work on stars, one way or the other, they get the scoop.

    It makes her nervous though, the thought of accidentally actually falling for one of them. She knew there would be some risks with this job, having to put herself out there and in the public eye and risking her emotional state, but, with over $650 a week there's no way she could say no. She was broke, and her parents were too, so, she had to take some action into her own hands.

    "Miss Staton," her head jerks up to see her boss who chirps her name, a warm smile on his face. "How next month's article coming?" What? Next month? I furrow my eyebrows and the confusion must be evident on my face, because he lets out a sigh before walking over to me.

    "Kimberly didn't tell you, I assume by your reaction." he clears his throat. "Well, it's just as simple that your deadline has been moved up."

    "The boys have band rules, it isn't that simple.." my voice trails off towards the end of my sentence.

"Make them want to change their rules, get in their heads, break up this band." he breathes in a deep breath, realizing how cruel it sounds out loud. 

"All they talk about is the fans, this can't happen to them yet." something pulls at Anita's heart strings which makes Mr. Robins eyebrows raise. He has a baffled face
expression, truly shocked at her reaction.
"I know it's hard and not ideal, but this needs to happen. If you can't make it happen, we'll have to fire you."

"Fire me?" her voice shakes.

"Yes." she shifts uncomfortably at his words before letting out a sigh.

"I'll figure out the next time they're in town."
"Already three steps a head of you," he smiles softly at her. "They're in town all week. I figured you should sp-," he shakily puts her hand up to keep him from talking, he is once again shocked by her actions.

"I'll do this my way if I'm doing it." she breathes out an unsteady breath before standing up and pulling her work and laptop into her arms before walking out of her small office, leaving Mr. Robins there, slightly confused at her behavior.

"I fear you may be getting a little too attached to these boys, or boy." he picks up her phone and looks at the messages that pop up on her lockscreen, one from each of the boys except Luke who is in the middle of a mental break down as he had spoken to her the night before about his childhood which barely involved his alcoholic father, unless he was hitting Luke or Liz. Out of all the boys, it was obvious to Mr. Robins that Anita was closest with Luke, he didn't even need to go through the rest of the messages, nor did he have time because Anita walks back into her office, stopping in her tracks.

"What are you doing?" she cocks an eyebrow at him.

"I was just bringing you your phone." he buttons his dress jacket before handing it to her and passing her in the doorway.

"Right," she mutters under her breath before stuffing everything in her bookbag and looking at her phone, sliding the messages to the right so she can answer Luke back first.

    From: Luke Hemmings
I don't miss him. But, if anything I miss the him I knew when I was 6, the way I was constantly laughing. I miss how it was back then, but when I was 10 he started drinking, by 13 he had already hit me and it became a habit for him, for when he was around. Lol, you already know all of this though.
When will I get to see you again?
I hope it's soon.

    To: Luke Hemmings
I'm still so sorry, your story last night had me in tears... but you heard the sniffles from my end so I'm sure you knew I was crying lol. And, I hear you're in town this week?

    While waiting for a reply from Luke, she decides that she should answer the other boys back and see what they have to say.

    From: Ashton Irwin
I can't wait to call you tonight, cupcake :)

    Ashton is definitely the most flirty out of all of them, and the sweetest. Luke isn't huge on PDA or even showing affection in private, he gets too nervous even when he and Anita are just talking on the phone. Mikey and Calum sometimes took things a little too far with the whole flirting thing.. They take it to a dirty area that makes Anita uneasy.

    To: Ashton Irwin
Ooh.. that's a new one! You haven't called me that yet. :)

    From: Michael Clifford
What do you wanna' do the next time we hang out? ;)

    To: Michael Clifford
Hmm.. go the movies.. Where it's dark... so we can pay attention to the movie :)

    From: Cal Hood
What could that mouth do, babygirl? ;)

    To: Cal Hood
Eat an entire pizza ;)

    She giggles at her replies to the two dirty boys and waits patiently for Luke to reply out of all of them, thinking they're in dress rehearsal she walks down to the lobby and proceeds with her drive home.

    She's right, they're in rehearsal but they always make time for their favorite girl. Luke announces to the boys that he wants to take a five minute break due to his small bladder and all the boys happily oblige. Luke checks his phone and the rest of the boys follow in suite.

    To: Anita Staton :) <3
Yes. We will be in town all week for a meet and greet along with a few shows here and there. So, the band is taking a 10 minute break and I'm so relieved.

Luke looks up from his phone as he pushes the bathroom door open, only to look over at Calum who pulls his phone out at the sound of a ding.

To: StatonSatan ;)
Promise me that we can eat that pizza together at least, babe.

His fingers type quickly as Ashton and Michael both check their phones as they walk down the hallway.

To: Cupcake :D
Well, I hope you like it! :p there are a ton of nicknames I haven't gotten the chance to call you yet!<3

To: Aniiiittttaaaaaaaaaa
Me being Michael Clifford, I would have thought you had a different answer ;) but, alas if a movie is what you want, a movie I will give you.

Each of the boys allow the warm feeling in their stomachs and hearts to grow as they mindlessly flirt with the girl who is trying to break up the band.

The Girl Who Broke Up The Band (5sos)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora