Meeting Him... Chapter 1. E.D

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(Y/N) = Your Name.

I am returning back home to Australia today. After a huge two week school trip to LA and New York, I am soooo ready to go home. I mean, I loved America - but I would rather not be left alone/third-wheeling for any longer because of my friends and their boyfriends. I knew that I would be left alone at some points because of them and their boyfriends, but as each day passes, I am getting more and more fed up with their lovey dovey relationships. And don't get me wrong...I love my friends, but it would be nice for them to actually talk to me without having to mention their boyfriends. Oh, well! Soon, I will be able to finally sleep on my comfy bed at home and sleep in complete peace and not be woken up by one of my friends sneaking out of our hotel room. 


3 hours later

As I sit on the chairs of LAX Airport, waiting to board the plane, I get the news from our school co-ordinator that we will be flying Business class instead of economy - because of our school having a good relationship with the airplane line, which I get really stoked for! 

" Gate 8 - boarding for Brisbane, Australia - get ready to board" was announced through the airport speakers.

As I pick up my carry on back pack, and put it on my back,  my best friends - Suede and Griffin both coming running up from behind me looping their arms in mine, in a rush and start running towards the boarding line.

Suede - "(Y/N), lets get to the front of the line!"

They both pulled me along, just in time to reach the front of the line - where we hand the ladies our boarding passes, and walk to the airplane - in which we meet a man, which looks at our passes and tells us where our seat is located. The seating arrangements in our plane was '2,3,2' - and we were all split into three different paired seating - where they both sat next to their boyfriend (Jack - Suede, and Charlie - Griffin), and yet again, I was left by myself. I continued to walk to an empty set of chairs, in which I was the aisle seat. I hoped that no-one was going to sit next to me, as I desperately wanted to lie across both of the chairs. I watched as person, by person walked either past me or stopped before me to sit down in a chair, and I watched this for around 15 minutes, until i just came to the conclusion that I was sitting by myself. I was happy with this. There was no way in the world I wanted to sit next to another person - because with my luck, that person would probably be a 70 year old man that smelt of tuna and was addicted with making conversation with me.

 After around 20 minutes, went by, I moved over to the window seat to look out the window - admiring the beautiful LA sunset - until I was interrupted by a small movement next to me. I turned around just to make eye contact with the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my whole entire life. His jawline, his eyes, his body, his lips... his...everything was just beautiful. He gave me a smirk and introduced himself.

"Hey, I am Ethan. I guess I am sitting next to you for the next 14 hours?"

I am completely taken away by him, that it took me a while to reply, and come up with an answer.

"Ahh...haha... yeah. Oh, sorry - my name is Y/N"

Ethan - Nice accent. Haven't heard a lot of those accents before. Where are you from?

His eyes pierced into me and I felt this butterfly sensation in my stomach, and I felt myself starting to blush - resulting in him making a little laugh.

Y/N - I am from Australia. Going back home. Why are you going to Australia?

Ethan - Oh, well... My twin brother Grayson and I are 'social media influencers' on youtube, and we are currently on tour. So, that's why I am coming to Australia. Grayson is back in economy - because something messed up with our seats. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2016 ⏰

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