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Dean was sitting against the headboard of his queen-size bed while nervously twisting his phone in his right hand. After building up enough courage, Dean opened his phone and sent a text to a number, which he 'got' from his friend, more like stole it from their cellphone.

(785) 124-1979: Hey, handsome! ;)

CastielNovak: Uhmm... hello?

(785) 124-1979: So, how was your day, babe?

CastielNovak: I'm sorry, but i think you got the wrong number.

(785) 124-1979: No, I don't.

CastielNovak: Yes, i think you actually do, so please stop texting me.

(785) 124-1979: Nope, can't do and i'm quite sure that i know who you are.

CastielNovak: If you really know me like you claim to, then prove it.

(785) 124-1979: Your name is Castiel Novak and you're a senior at Lawrence Public High School. You also have a brother named Gabriel who's obsessed with candy.

CastielNovak: Who are you? And where did you get that information about me?

(785) 124-1979: Sorry, can't tell. ;)

CastielNovak: And why the hell not? 

(785) 124-1979: Tsk, tsk, it's bad to curse, Castiel. I didn't really peg you for the cursing type and revealing myself would be no fun, now would it be, babe.

CastielNovak: Don't call me that. And for all i know, you could be some creepy 67-year old pervert, that's texting me from behind his old Nokia.

(785) 124-1979: Oh, if that's what you're worried about, babe, i can assure you that i'm not. ;)

CastielNovak: Again. Stop calling me that. And why should i believe you, a complete stranger?

(785) 124-1979: I'm not a complete stranger. I go to the same school as you do.

CastielNovak: So, are you also a senior, just like me?

(785) 124-1979: I think my one clue for the day was enough. So, no comment.

CastielNovak: I don't know who you are, but just stop this.

(785) 124-1979: Stop what?

CastielNovak: This prank you're trying to pull on me, because it really isn't funny to try and humiliate me. 

(785) 124-1979: I'm not here to embarrass you, or to pull a prank on you.

CastielNovak: Then, why are you texting me?

(785) 124-1979: I'm just texting you, so that i can get to know you better.

CastielNovak: Oh, really? And why do you want to get to know me?

(785) 124-1979: I think i already made that clear but since you still don't get it, i kinda like you, Castiel.

CastielNovak: What?

Castiel's eyes widened as he was seated behind his desk, where his unfinished homework laid on. He couldn't believe what he was reading. Someone liked him, that must be a joke. Castiel didn't believe the stranger and thought that it must be a prank.

(785) 124-1979: Hey, Castiel! You still there?

CastielNovak: Okay, listen up, assbutt.

CastielNovak: Stop texting me and delete my number, because i don't think that this is funny at all.

(785) 124-1979: Castiel, listen to me. I'm telling you the truth. This isn't a joke, i really like you.

(785) 124-1979: It's not impossible, you know.

CastielNovak: I don't care, so goodbye and have a nice life.

(785) 124-1979: Castiel, c'mon. I'm not pulling a prank on you.

(785) 124-1979: C'mon, don't do this to me.

(785) 124-1979: Castiel! Castiel! Cas!

CastielNovak went offline.

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