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"Tick tock, tick, tock." Says the clock. How long has it been? 1? 2? 3 years? Who knows? And frankly, who cares?

  Sitting at the same chipped and faded wooden table, with the same broken and splintered chairs. Forever trapped within the ever looping memories of my lost love.

  Had she ever really loved me? Had she even existed? Is that why my memories fade halfway through?

  Last I'd seen of her, she'd been yelling about.....

  What was she yelling about? It's on the tip of my tongue.

  Tongue. What a silly little word. What was I saying again.....? OH YES!! My beautiful wife, the love of my short and fading life. Last I'd seen her, she was yelling about a rabbit I think.

  Yes! A rabbit! A talking rabbit in a waistcoat! Such a funny little thing that rabbit. He'd taken me to a different world in my dreams. A world of color and music, with singing roses, and playing card soldiers.

  She had told me that I was crazy.

  "Cats can't smile!" She'd yelled. "Animals can't talk!"

  Of course they can! And if they can't, then what have I got left to live for? A pain shot through my chest and like lightning in my veins it spread to my limbs.

  Is this what heartbreak is like? It's more painful than I'd first imagined. Sometimes I think that I see her from the corner of my eye, sitting in her favorite chair reading one of her books. But then I look and I can't even remember what she looks like.

  She's just a blank face with a beautiful voice. A whisper of a lullaby that you can't remember the words of. Another shot to my heart. Slowly I sank to the ground from my place on her chair.

This pain..... What is it? Why is this happening? Why can't I remember my love? You loved me too didn't you? I'm sure that you did. If you had then why have you gone? Why are you just a ghost roaming my ever fading memories? Would you have held me now? Caressed my cheek and told me that everything would me alright?

  The walls started closing in and suddenly I couldn't breathe.
  "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME!!?" I yelled and I screamed, hoping that maybe, just maybe I would be woken up. The pain became more constant. It felt like someone or something had taken my heart in their hand and was slowly squeezing it. They had a vice grip on my fragile organ and where squeezing just enough so that they wouldn't crush it.

  Breathing became difficult and black started flooding my vision. The last thing I heard was the door opening and a scream before my world turned black and my consciousness faded to nothing.

  I love you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2019 ⏰

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