The Farmer's Daughter and the Troublemaker

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I know that I just posted a new story and everything but well... I've decided that  I like this story so much better and that I want to share it with you. I really hope you enjoy this. Yes it's a classic cliche love story, but it's not your typical love story either. There are going to be so many different twist and turns.
I know what you are thinking... Farmer's Daughter? Country shit, what the hell? Well unfortunately for me I do live in the country. fml. Thankfully I do not live on a farm. lol but I've always wanted a love like the one you're are, hopefully, fixing to read. I'm begging you to please, please just give this a chance. I think that you will like it if you open your mind too it.

The beginning is slightly boring, but what first chapter isn't boring may I ask? lol :D So please I hope that you enjoy this, and please tell me your thoughts and feelings about this. Please don't be shy. I'd be more offended if you lied to me and told me this was good. When you really hated it. So please I'm open to all kinds of criticism. It's the best way to learn to get better :D so I think this it it. Thanks loves, please read, comment(tell me all your thoughts) I'm all ears lol :D


OHHHHHH and that sexy boy right over there ---------------> That is Jace:D Yummy(:

The Farmer's Daughter and the Troublemaker
Chapter One:

I heard the sirens before I saw them. “Shit!” I yelled when three cops pulled up behind me. I could not believe this. I thought I had been going fast enough to out run them. I thought, for sure, they wouldn’t catch up. I weaved in and out between the cars driving down the interstate. I was pushing the Nissan 370z as fast as it could go, but they were still keeping up with me.

“FUCK!” I yelled banging my fist against the steering wheel, causing the car to swerve slightly. This will be the last time I ever let Cane and Kal talk me into stealing a car again. I’m going to be in so much trouble. They are going to put me in jail for sure this time. I’m honestly surprise that I haven’t been before.

If and when they catch me tonight, it will be my second  car theft charge, and who knows how many others.Sometimes though,  I have to say having money is a wonderful thing. You may be wondering why, if I have money, am I stealing cars. I’m rebelling, simple and easy. My parents have never been there for me. They never noticed if I was crying, upset, proud, happy, nothing. To them I wasn’t there, the maids and nannies took care of me. But who wants to grow up like that?

Then I figured out one day, they noticed if I got in major trouble, like getting suspended from school. That was just the beginning of it. It got worse and worse from there. Petty shoplifting to Felony car theft.

I quickly took a random exit, hoping to catch them off guard. No such luck, they were right on my ass the entire time. I could feel my phone buzzing in my pocket. It did me absolutely no good to look at it. I knew it was either my parents or my best friends. I was going to get yelled at either way.

I was suddenly thrown forward as my car was hit from behind. They were trying to cause me to crash. It kind of sucks for them, I’m probably a better driver then some of the officers, and I’m only seventeen. I was jerked forward again as the same car hit me again.

‘Well two can play at that game’ I thought before slamming the throttle to the floor. I saw the police car behind me speed up and as soon as he was almost on top of me. I slammed on my brakes, and came to a screeching halt. The officer wasn’t prepared and ran right into my rear end. Instantly propelling me forward.

I’m going to have some major whiplash in the morning. Good thing I wore my seat belt. I’m not totally irresponsible you know. I was jarred again and I knew another police car had hit us. Retards. I’m sure they could have seen that.

The owner of this car was going to be extremely pissed. I ran his car out of gas. Oh well, mom and dad, will pay to have it refilled. I quickly unbuckled my seat belt, and climbed out of the car. Rubbing my throbbing neck. Both of the wrecked officers had climbed out of their cars, waiting to see what I would do.

“STOP! Right where you are. Put your hands behind your head, and get on  your knees!.” One of the officers said, pointing his gun at me. That was when I noticed, unsurprised might I add, that every one of them had a gun pointed at me. I stole a car. It’s not like I killed anyone. If I was going to kill anyone it would be my best friend.

“You would want me on my knees, wouldn’t you.” I smirked at the rather tubby officer, who’s shit colored eyes widened with shock.

“ON OUR KNEES NOW PUNK!” The officer yelled at me, after recovering from shock.

“Damn. You’re awful bossy. I bet you haven’t been laid in forever. You should get laid. It might help with that face of yours. Add a little pleasure, into you mix of bitchy pills in the morning. That should do the trick.” I said, unmoving. I wasn’t afraid of these men. What would they do to me? Put my in jail? Yeah, most of my friends are in jail. I’m not worried about it. Make me pay a fine? Shit, I don’t pay anything. Mom and dad will cover me.

I’m going to push my luck as far as I can push it. “ON THE GROUND!” The man yelled his face turning an odd shade of purple.

“Do you have to take a dump? It looks like you do. It’s all contorted, and purple. I think there’s some laxative in the car. What me to check?” I had turned around to go check the car when I felt it. Sharp intense pain. I couldn’t move. Paralyzed, my body jerking and twitching. Stupid shit zapped me. I don’t remember anything after that except darkness, and voices. Not that I could make out what the voices were saying, just a jumble of nothing.

I awoke completely in time to go to court. Going to court was my favorite thing about getting arrested. I got to see my parent’s disappointed and pissed off looks. They hate defending me. It makes them look bad. My parents are both high class lawyers. Some of the best in the country, and having a good for nothing troublemaker for a son, did not look good at all.

Then there was seeing Judge Judy. No not the Judge Judy on T.V. But my Judge Judy, she’s about thirty years younger then the famous one, and not nearly as harsh. Judge Judy is the reason I haven’t gone to Jail yet. Not my parents. Judge Judy feels bad for me. Well I thought she did.

When I walked into the court room, I was all smiles and laughs. I thought I was getting to go home tonight. Oh boy was I wrong. I’d never seen Judge Judy look so pissed as she did right then. Her face was a color similar to the cops. Judge Judy was a pretty woman, but that color doesn’t look attractive on her at all!

“What are you doing back in my court room?” Judge Judy hissed at me. Now I have totally respect for the woman, but I have a problem with authority, and I can’t help but be a smartass.

“Standing here. What are you doing in here?” I asked, smirking. Which might not have been my brightest idea. Her face got even pinker. Shit.

“Young man. I expect you to respect me. Do not back talk me.”

“Then respect me.”

“ENOUGH JACE! We are here to discuss your punishment. This is your second car theft offense. Not only did you steal the car, you destroyed it and two police cars.”

“Hey they were the idiots who ran into me. I can’t be blamed for that one!” I said putting my hands in the car, pretending to be completely innocent. It didn’t work.

“Do not play your stupid games with me. I know what you’ve done and this time not even mommy and daddy are going to get you out of it.” She said sneering at my parents. She knew exactly how to piss us all off. “You are going to have to pay back the damage done to the cars, by yourself. You’re parents are not allowed to help you one bit.” She said putting her hand up to silence my mother when she tried to argue. “No buts. Shut up.”

“Jace. You are going to have to work. Giving you chance after chance after chance is not doing you any good. In fact, your behavior is getting worse. Uncontrollable. If you keep going the way you are you will never have a free life. You will spend your life in jail. I don’t want that for you. You are a bright kid. You have many possibilities. You could be anything you want to be, if you just put your mind to it. So as your punishment, you are going to Tennessee.” I couldn’t look her in they eyes. She’s one of the few people who I respect, and the fact that she is disappointed in my hurts me deeply.

“Tennessee?” My eyes bolted from the floor to find her green ones. “What the fuck is in Tennessee?” I almost yelled.

“Language!” She scolded.

“Excuse me.” I said. “What in the fudge is in a no good hick ville?” I could see red. I couldn’t believe she was sending me away. I mean seriously? Tennessee. Who in the hell goes to Tennessee? It’s pointless, full of Rednecks, disgusting incest and shit like that. NO way. No way in hell was I going there.

“A little place called Second Chance. Surprisingly by their name. You are the first, person or animal, who has come to them looking for a better life.”

“I don’t want to go to Tennessee.” I complained. This is bullshit.

“That is where you will be working off your debt.”

“Whoa! wait! I don’t get to choose where I work either?” I asked pissed off even more.

“Nope, everythings arranged you are leaving tonight and you will be staying until you work off your debt. And you better not cause any trouble or you will leave me no choice. You will be going to jail they next time you get into any trouble. I don’t care what kind of trouble it is. Jail. Do you understand me?”


“Yes what?”

“Yes ma’am.” I said, looking anywhere but her. This just wasn’t fair!! Not fair at all. I didn’t want to go to some stupid place, to learn stupid things, to pay off stupid money for a stupid fucking car, that couldn’t even out run the cops!

“Good. Go. You can leave.”


So what do you think? Was it any good? I’m sorry that it’s so boring and chopping, and unedited. I plan on going back and editing it later.Just not right now because it’s late, and I’m sleepy as crap. I hope I channeled my inner guy pretty well. But please let me know. Don’t leave me hanging. Tell me what you think please?? Thanks loves:D


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2012 ⏰

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