Chapter 1

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My name is Scarlett Herondale. I am a shadowhunter. I kill demons. My father was killed when I was a baby, and my mother didn't want me, she was heartbroken over my father and couldn't stand to look at me, so she gave me up. I was brought to France and moved to England when I about six years old. The Clave has fought over what to with with me since I can remember, and it hasn't been easy. Now that I'm fifteen and old enough to hunt on my own, they've decided to dump me at the New York institute, with another family that has taken in my older brother Jace.

Jace isn't even my brother, he's a half brother. We both have the same dead father, Stephan Herondale. His mother, Celine, was the woman that Stephan left Amatis, my mother for. Little did he know that I was on the way into this world. Amatis kept me a secret and handed me to the Clave labeled as an orphan. Jace was the product of the affair that Stephan had, that being the reason he's almost a year older than I am.

All I was told about this institute is that the owners are Maryse and Robert Lightwood and that they have two kids, Isabelle and Alec. They had three at one point, but the youngest, Max, was killed in the beginning of the war. The inquisitor also said something about a warlock and two other shadowhunters that live there. The girls name was Clary and the boy was Tommy.

The Clave said his parents were killed by the Endarkened ones during the Los Angeles attack. He didn't know what had happened until he was in Idris with Emma Carstairs, recounting where he was when it was happening. He was one of the older ones that were there, but he blacked out before help arrived. I was told he was pretty messed up after what had happened, but wouldn't we all be?

I slowly pull myself from my thoughts as the car slows to a stop in front of the famous institute. I take a good look at it through the window before I open the door and step out into the cool air. I grab my small suitcase with my belongings and mount the steps. I waved to the man that had dropped me off.

To be polite, I knock on the heavy set doors, not wanting to intrude. The door is quickly opened by a tall woman with graying hair. "I'm Scarlett." I say to her. "I'm the new shadowhunter." The woman quickly nods and leads me inside and into the large library, where she encourages me to sit.

"I'm Maryse Lightwood, the keeper of the New York institute." She said with a friendly but cold smile. I returned the gesture as she continued speaking. "I've heard so much about you. It's nice to meet you. The Clave said you were one of the best hunters there are."

I nodded. "I guess so. I do carry the Herondale name. It's in my blood." I reply to her. She nods and begins the long speech I've heard too many times about the ways of the institute. It's always the same spiel that they deliver. I nod along as I only listen to the half of what she is saying.

As she finishes up, she stands and guides me through the halls, giving me a tour. I look around at the vast emptiness that awaits my new life. She finally stops at one of the doors, opening it. "This is your room." She says with her ice cold glare. I nod as she hands me the key. "Thank you." I say as I walk inside and she turns to leave.

I set my bag down and begin unpacking my few pairs of clothes and weapons. As I finish up, I sit down on the bed, toying with the key to the room. I guess I'll have to leave this room sooner or later and go and talk to my brother and the rest of the institute's residents.


As it reaches evening, I finally open my door and walk into the hallway. No one is there, just like before. I find my way into the kitchen, where a few other people sat. "I'm Scarlett." I say, expressionlessly. One of the boys looks up. He has deep auburn hair and dark eyes that look like the eyes of a lost puppy. The other, who I assume is Jace, by his blond hair and golden eyes, gives me a smile.

"I'm Jace." He confirms. "It's nice to finally meet you." I nod and give him a slight smile. "This is my girlfriend, Clary." He said gesturing to the girl sitting next to him with fiery red hair. "Oh, and this is Tommy." I gave the boy another look. He was handsome, there was no denying that. He had a small smirk planted onto his face as I began to speak.

"It's nice to meet all three of you." I say. Tommy looks me in the eye, as if he was reading my thoughts. "You're not one for speaking now are you?" He said, the smirk growing wider. "I guess so." I said, giving him a piercing glare.

His smirk quickly vanishes at my words. "We were abut to go on a hunt, would you care to join us?" Jace asks me, ignoring the other boys actions. "Sure. Let me get my gear." I say, turning to go back to my room.

Before leaving my room, I took a look at myself in the mirror. I look into my harsh green eyes as I pull my dark hair up and out of my face. I scan over my small and slender body as I stand in front of the mirror. "I'm way to hot for that boy." I mumble under my breath before turning around and heading downstairs to do what I did best.

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