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Jasmine is a girl of many mysteries; Jared is a boy with little hope left in the world.

Jasmine and Jared were best friends, had the kind of friendship everyone always dreams of; the kind of friendship you can tell each other anything without getting judged by the other. Jasmine ended up having to move away from Jared and while she took all her memories with her she left one very important thing behind....her heart with Jared being the only to have a key.

When Jasmine left Jared broke he lost the only good thing in his life; his true love who had his heart. When she left him he fell into depression as his fathers beatings got to much and he started to cut.

Will Jasmine be back in time to save him from the point of no return? What happens when Jasmine and Jared find each other again? Will they be able to save each other from the dark abyss of complete depression and lack of love? Will their love for each other spark and grow or fade and die?

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