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David's POV

Marrying (Y/N) was a no brainer. It would guaranteed make me the happiest man alive - and I was 100% sure of it.

I know, it may seem soon - after all, we've only been dating four months but I never seemed so sure of anything in my life. I dont mean to sound cheesy or anything but she'd make an amazing wife.

"It's a lovely resturaunt~" (Y/N) commented, glancing around and sipping at her champagne. I nodded, running a nervous, trembling hand through my burnt orange hair. Momentarily, I would propose to her. She shivered a little, hugging her frame tightly. I noticed she was looking cold and I was just about to offer her my jacket to wear, before I realised the engagement ring was in my jacket - so I couldn't possibly give my jacket to her.

"Please can I borrow your jacket?" (Y/N) shivered. "N-No..." I replied quickly, a blush dusting my cheekbones. She shot me a confused look, furrowing her brows, not understanding why I was being so mean. I did feel mean, usually I would let her wear my jacket all the time.

I cleared my throat, taking a deep breath in.

This is it, this is the moment...Im gonna do it...

Suddenly, just as I was about to pop the question, (Y/N) started reciting the events of her day. "I only got to work at 8 and Kylie was so-"
"Shh!" I hissed, shushing her, annoyed she had interrupted my proposal. However, I Immeadiatly regretted shushing her so rudely as (Y/N) shot me an annoyed and rather hurt expression.

"David, if you're going to be rude then I don't want to spend the evening with you" She declared coldly, standing up from our table and backing away, towards the exit of the restaurant. "Wait, (Y/N), please, don't go!" I spluttered out, quickly chasing her outside, terrified I would lose her.

"Please...(Y/N)..." I sighed, almost begging, grabbing her hand so she turned to face me. Her skin had goosebumped a little as we were now standing just outside the restaurant and she wore only a red evening dress. "I'm so sorry..." I breathed "I-I just had something really important to ask you..."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened, finally Understanding. She breathed out in a shaky exhale, putting a hand to her heart and smiling sweetly at me. "Well...I have something to ask you too..." she whispered softly "David Jones...Will you marry me?"

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I pulled out the Diamond ring from my inside coat pocket, and I gently slipped it onto her third finger.

"I was about to ask the same thing..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2016 ⏰

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