-The Discovery-

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(Warning!! Some mild language. Read at your own risk. Thanks!)

<Shelby's POV>


I slam my hand on the alarm clock and hear a crack. "Damn it I broke another one!"
I jump out of bed, fall on the floor, and practically break my toe. I knew I was going to have a bad day. I slowly get up and walk across the grey, messy rug, hoping I won't somehow trip on the rug. I get to the hallway, surprised I've survived to far. I walk very slowly down the hallway, staring at the ground so I don't step on a tack.

"I made it to the living room!! Maybe today will actually be a good day!" But I thought wrong. Right after I said that I slip on a small rug and fall flat on the floor. "Damn it!!" I yell aloud, "WHY DOES THE WORLD HATE ME?!!"

I suddenly heard an echo across the room "Meow."  What the heck? What is that sound?!  "Meow!" I hear the same sound, but even louder. I'm getting really freaked out. "W-who's there?! Show yourself!!"

I then see a small,shadowy figure. "H-he-hello?" I say, shaking. The shadow steps forward into the room. "Hello! I'm Carla!"

<Word count~209-- Not a lot :/ >

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2016 ⏰

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