I'm Sorry

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It's been a month, and Cartman still hasn't spoken to any of us. I know what we did was wrong but..come on! How can you blame us? He has gotten someone killed, for Christ's sake! Though, it was really awful now that I think about it..

Ever since all the girls broke up with their boyfriends, South Park hasn't been the same. Stan left to join the goths once again, all the other boys are heartbroken, and the girls won't even look at us. But I didn't care, my main focus was on that fat fuck who I felt such shame for.

He didn't deserve what we did to him, I know that now. What we did was so very uncalled for, and we should've trusted him. But how could we? Its always been him, every awful thing that has usually happened here was most likely his fault. Should I feel bad..? I should, it was so fucking terrible.

It's been a month- I mentioned that already, didn't I? I can't pay attention right now. Cartman's sitting all alone, once again. We tried speaking to him, but lost hope after many failed attempts. He didn't even make an effort look at us, damn that asshole! I still didn't lose hope, though. Every day I encouraged him to rip on me, call me a dumb Jew, anything! But he just won't. We really hurt him, and I feel awful. And I should, I really should..

For the past month, I've been scavenging all the money I could. I used the allowance I saved, also asking for a raise of it. Mom obliged, she didn't mind. She said as long as I used it for something useful. I sold old games I haven't used in a while to one of the idiots of this town, they'll buy anything for any price if you persuade them enough. Finally, I saved enough.

Would this work? I hope it will. What if he doesn't accept? Well then, fuck him! He should fucking accept it! I worked my ass off for this! I gritted my teeth against one another, then took in a soft breath. "Calm down.." I told myself. With a light nod, I was on my way.

Since I was close to his house, they travel was fairly easy. There was barely any snow on the ground today, which was a blessing. I stood at the door step. Was I really doing this? I can't believe I am; I'd never do something like this! Especially not for him! But..he deserves it after what we did to him.

Knocking on the door, I stood firmly. The door slowly answered as I looked up at Liane. She was a nice lady, just decided on the wrong way to live her life. "Is Cartman home?" I asked. "Oh, yes, he's upstairs." The brunette said in her usually soft voice. She asked me countless times what was wrong with him for the past month, but I didn't have the guts to truthfully answer. I usually told her I didn't know, which was absolute fucking bullshit.

I walked upstairs, slowly, warily. Fuck, okay, I can do this. Totally! Without warning, I opened his bedroom door to see him just..sitting there, staring at the wall? He didn't turn to look at me, he didn't even seem to know that I was there. What did we do to him?

I held the object tightly and walked up to him, standing in front of him firmly. As confident as I looked, I was almost shaking on the inside. What was happening..? Whatever, I need to do this. "I.." I started and rubbed the back of the neck, pulling an iPhone 6 Plus. "I'm sorry for what we did to you. I know that this doesn't make up for what we did to you, but I hope it's a start." I continued and placed the small box that held the phone on his bed. He still wasn't moving. Dammit, why did he have to be stubborn? I was trying my best! Sighing, I made my way towards his door.

In an instant, I felt arms wrap around me, paired with the sound of sniffling. I was completely baffled. What was happening? "Y-you really do care about.." I heard him whisper. I felt myself smile and patted his arm, sighing gently.
"Yeah, I do."

I know, I know. This one-shot is pretty shitty, but I did it quickly to get it out of the way because I couldn't stop thinking about writing it while at school. I may write another Kyman fanfic, but maybe I should write more than just Kyman..? I don't know, I've only written two so far. I would like to do a paired fanfiction where I write with someone, but that'll most likely not happen. Leave feedback, please! Thanks!~

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