yse sol?

13 0 0

Ssol wake up n g0 too eridan house!!!!
"Eri wakes up OPLEASE" But eraaidann dies not ake up HE is already awake so solluxiiinder go to eridan room say "eriiiidan hot stud mufti n let's Mae out."
And eriden say YES.  then the sollecks snatch eridan head pants ANFD HIS FACE Is peRF!!!!!!!!!1

After sollez make out THEY BE PFRENS! so Sol knows eridan LoooovE HIM v3ry mu((h
And erigrup WANT KISMESIS bcuz matspite is TOO MUSH pretssure but thollux lOVE pressure so matsprit forver. Solllix luffs eridAN from the butt of his HERT the at is trie love. They be BEST MATSPRI and cuddle but eridan HATES THE sekkkkss SO SOLLICKS DOES IT

Eridan x  thollicks

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2016 ⏰

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