One Shot

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Lukas missed a lot of things, he missed warm sun when it was winter. He missed how his little brother copied every move he made when he was younger. He missed the sound his old coffee machine made when the coffee was done.
But he never expected to miss something so much it physically hurt. This something was a someone, and that someone was his boyfriend a country over all the way in Denmark.
He met Mathias when he did an exchange course to Denmark with his school, they had fun but when Mathias was allowed to go back to Norway with him they actually started dating.
As the exchange program stopped and the vacation after that ended Mathias was now back in Denmark and Lukas in Norway.
They Skyped every night and the Norwegian felt just as in love as he did a couple of months ago on the first day they met. But with now both of them starting their last school year, the busiest year, their Skype calls had become shorter.

"I want to see you!"

"Come to Norway"
"I can't!"
"...I know"

Every conversation between the 2 upset Lukas more and more, and everyone started to notice it not only his parents and Emil, but also his friends and the worst of all Mathias.

"Lukas are you alright?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"
"You've become more quiet than usual."

Lukas looked back up into his eyes which where just pixels on a screen that couldn't show how beautiful and bright they actually were. Oh god, how he missed looking into those eyes and kissing him whenever he wanted to.

"It's nothing I just m-miss you"
He said his voice turning a little softer with every word and cracking a bit at the end. A tear escaped his eye.
"Lukas are you alr- no god you're crying! please don't cry it will all be alright."
Mathias said softly, as he kissed his fingers and bringing it up to the webcam. Which made Lukas smile slightly still feeling terrible.
"You're an idiot"
"Yeah I know you've said that before"
The man smiled, feeling the same as the other but tried to hide it so the Norwegian didn't feel worse.

"I wish you could hug me, now. I don't want to see you through this shitty screen"
The Norwegian mumbled, this week had already been stressful and he envied the people who could at least talk to their significant other without having a stupid lag every 5 minutes.
"I know, I know I miss you too" Mathias voice had turned a lot softer Lukas noticed.
"I want you to wake up next to me and moved your cold hands over my back, as you annoyingly try to wake me up" he whispered more tears streaming down
"I want you to make me coffee when I have a stressful day. I want to kiss your cheek when you hurt yourself by doing something stupid. I want you to come here and just fucking hug me"
He whispered between soft sobs.

"God, I hate you so much everything hurts and I-i... I just want to hold you"
Lukas whispers became quieter and quieter till there was just a silence.
Mathias was known for showing his emotions proudly if he wanted to had now started to let the tears roll down his cheeks.
"That's fucking it"
The Norwegian heard him mumbling under his breath.
He saw the man stand up and frantically look around his room as he got everything he could find and messy shoved it in to a back.
"What are you doing?"
Lukas asked confused as he tried to dry his tears.
"I'm coming to you now! I hate seeing you this upset!"
He explained angry as he shoved everything into his back.
"Mathias don't be stupid you can't do stuff like that think about your scho~"
"I don't give a shit!"
He interrupted him as he walked back to the computer.
"Please Mathias think about something before you act"
Lukas said softly.

"It's okay, I don't have anything important this week I can be 'sick' for a bit"
He mumbled, as he sat back down and searched something quickly clicking it.
"Got it, at 12 tonight there will be a ferry that goes from Copenhagen to Oslo, I'll take the train from there to your house pick me up at the train station at 8"
He saw the big idiotic grin on the Danes face but for once it didn't annoy him, it actually made him smile through his own tears. He rolled his eyes anyway and chuckled softly.

"I love you idiot" he chuckled softly. Mathias smiled softly and kissed the webcam "I love you too" he smiled.

"But Mathias if you're doing this... I want to at least pay the train ticket"

"Deal!" Mathias cheered happily. Which made Lukas laugh even more.

"Okay, deal so at 8? I will set my alarm"
Who was Lukas kidding? they both knew none of them where going to sleep tonight.Mathias smiled.

"You better I don't wanna stand there at 8 all alone and sleepy."

~~~~8 am train station~~~~~~~~

It was way to early to stand in the freezing cold with no energy on a train station at 8 in the morning. But Lukas didn't care, he cared about nothing other than seeing his lover in a couple of minutes.
He saw a train approach as he stopped his music, which was the Soldiers of Love by Lighthouse X because the Dane liked it a lot and they always watched the Eurovision together.
He waited as patiently as he could as the train came slowly to a stop.
A lot of people got out, he looked around searching for that one person that he could call his.

He turned around and saw a tall blond man with spiky hair. The man looked back at him and dropped his bag.
That was him,
That was Mathias sprinting towards him with a speed Sonic would envy.

That was the stupid Dane he missed more than anything.

He ran just as hard back to the man, and in that moment he could only feel happiness.

Mathias scooped him up and kissed his face all over, almost choking the Norwegian in a bear hug, but Lukas didn't care.
They both where tired and in tears, Lukas just didn't care.

The only thing he cared about was that he was finally allowed to kiss the person he loved so much.

"You're an Idiot I love you!"
The Norwegian laughed.

the Dane who was laughing just as loudly as his boyfriend smiled down at him, a warm welcoming smile.

"I love you so much more!"

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