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written by Adrianna (@robbiegron) on Twitter ☺️

She couldn't tell if she was nervous or excited. Maybe teetering on the brink of both. She hated being nervous, it always made her anxious and slightly nauseous. Or at least she assumed it was the nerves. Fact of the matter was, she needed to get over it soon because her husband would be walking through that door any second and it took a hell of a lot of work, that she was not used to soliciting, in order to make tonight special.

Trey had been on tour for the past two months and being that she'd been stuck in LA working on her new album and taking care of their 5 year old son, she'd only been able to slip in a visit 3 times since he left. Once was on their anniversary but even that trip was cut short due to Isaiah getting sick and throwing up all over the tour bus. She loved her son, even though he was a handful sometimes, she wouldn't trade in being a mother for anything in the world.

The loud noise of the front door slamming shut abruptly brought Demi out of her thoughts and a smile to her plump red lips. After taking a moment to adjust her hair and give herself one more once over in the mirror, assuring that her tight black dress was hugging her body in all the right places, she gave herself a courteous nod before heading downstairs to greet her husband.

"HONEEEYYY, I'M HOME," Trey shouted, mustering up his best Spanish accent, which was still severely lacking but she'd never tell him that given the fact that she wasn't much better. She rushed down the staircase and nearly face planted off the last step; god wearing heels always seemed like a good idea until she actually had to walk in them. Fortunately, she collided with her husband's body instead, who was standing at the bottom of the steps with his suitcase in tow.

"Somebody missed me," he chuckled as he helped her stand upright before engulfing her in a proper embrace.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she whispered in his ear, "more than you know." If she could stay like this forever, she would. Just being in his arms, reassured her that everything was going to be okay. Even though it sucked being apart sometimes, they'd always find a way to deal. They loved each other too much not to.

"I missed you too, babe," he muttered as he loosened his hold on her while simultaneously bringing his head back to look into her eyes. God she loved when he looked at her like that. It was as if he could somehow convey everything he felt for her with one look; a look full of love, lust, admiration etc. It's that look that got them here in the first place.

Bringing one hand down to his neck, Demi pulled him in for a chaste, yet loving kiss. She wanted more, but they had all night for that. Right now, they needed to talk. About the tour, about Isaiah, about anything and everything.

"So, what's all this?" he asked as he made his way over towards the dining room, where the candlelit table was already setup with food but only two plate settings. "Where's Isaiah?"

Following after him, Demi wrapped her arms around his torso from behind and leaned her head on his shoulder, "he's with Dallas for the night." Boy was she thankful for her sister and her willingness to babysit anytime she could. "I know you can't wait to see him but I figured we could have a romantic evening with just us tonight, to y'know, catch up," she said through a mischievous smile. "So, I offered up my blood, sweat, and tears to set the mood and then I slaved over a hot stove all day making all your favorites."

"Oh, is that right? You slaved over a hot stove all day?" he sarcastically asked. Who was she kidding, everyone, especially Trey, knew that cooking was not her forte.

"Okay, fine," she said dropping her arms to her sides. "Maybe your mom came by and made all your favorites as a favor but I am totally responsible for dessert."

Chuckling at her shameless plea, he turned around and placed his hands on her lower back pulling her close "and what's for dessert exactly?"

"Me," she whispered as she placed another kiss to his lips. This one lasting much longer and much more aggressive than the first. "Or rum cake, if you'd prefer that."

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