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When Andrey was seven, he found out what finally upset his mother. He had known since he was a little boy that he was a boy, but it seemed as if his family couldn't grasp the concept. Somehow, he had the notion to think that he could tell his mom of this. He wasn't quite sure why he thought that she would be okay with it.

"You don't know what you're talking about," She practically hissed, "I raised you to be a good girl. You're not a boy." She paced the living room where Andrey sat frozen on the couch and his younger brother watched one of his kiddy shows.

"But momma," He said, his voice barely above a whisper. He didn't get why she was angry since she had said that he could tell her anything.

"No buts Missy. God, this is what I get for your father not being around. You get these stupid ideas in your head that you can be a boy when you are a girl. Where did I go wrong?" His mom stopped pacing and sat down defeatedly on the sofa.

"I get it. You want to be like your brother, but that's no excuse. Go to your room, and don't bring this up again." Andrey did as he was told, not daring to bring up the fact that he was a boy again. He didn't want to talk about it again, but when his friend Kadyn found him crying a recess the next day, he spilled to her that his mom didn't think that he was a boy.

"That's silly," She said, crouching down under the tree with him, "Your mom obviously needs glasses if she can't see you for who you are."

"I want to look like a boy, though," Andrey said, grabbing his long hair, "How am I supposed to be a boy when I look like a girl."

"I have an idea," Said Kadyn, "I'll have my mom call your mom. Come home with me after school today."

Andrey didn't know what his best friend had planned but he was excited.

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