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I am awakend to the sound of people speaking. There are two of them and they communicate as if they have rehearsed it an infinite amount of times. One of them has a deep-seated voice and speaks in haste, while the other speaks lethargically and in a more casual manner. I open my eyes to see the source of the noise; the radio, on my bed side table. I reach over to reduce the volume to a level I can tolerate and catch the phone next to it. This is my daily routine. I consistently set the time on the radio early, in hope of me getting up at a similar time, however this plan always seems to deteriorate. I either fall back asleep or become too carried away on my mobile. The endless scrolling captivating me into a monotonous state. It undoubtably gets to the point where my mother becomes concerned with my 'sleep in' and decides to get me up herself.

After my mother has exited the room, i arduously sit up and stare at my blank wall for what seems ages until i hear my name called from underneath me. I enter the bathroom, wash my face, dress myself, brush my hair, apply make up to a standard i am content with, and perseed to the kitchen. My mother greets me with a warm "goodmorning ", hands me a bowl of cereal, and begins telling me about how irrating her coworkers are.

I arrive at school just before 8 am to be greeted by hurds of screaming teenage girls all dressed in black blazers. They remind me of flocks of crows cawing and scratching at their cages, desperate to fly away and never return. I walk over towards friends of mine. They too are hudled together but only one of them seems to be making any noise.

Billie Taylor.

Billie Taylor is undoubtably the most amazing person you could ever have the pleasure to meet. She is one of those people who trusts you and gives you enough space but at same time is within that space she gives. She is able to understand you thoroughly and even if she didn't understand she would spend hours desperatly trying to.
She is humourus to the point of physical pain, leaving the both of you rocking on your sides with your arms clenched to your rib cage. In some cases i have seriously wondered whether or not my chest would split open. 
She is one of the most talented human being who is simutainiusly brilliant at everything and yet never uses this as an excuse to become mean. She simply asks for the company of others, with the hope that this will be resiprecated.
She is everything i want and everything i want to be.

I walk up towards the group and begin to hear what she is saying.
"its so stupid, they're not affecting your life so why should you care?" shes exclaims. She seems angry, a trait that is not normally shown within her.
"whats wrong?" i ask as i find a spot within the circle to stand.
"my stupid dad!" she replies "He has some sick idea that same-sex mariage is 'The devils work'. He has some stupid idea that gay people arent human or something."
"well thats just illogical. What are they? Robots? I seriously doubt that if you were to open one up you would see wires." i say calmly.  This make some people laugh, including Billie, which makes me smile.

The bell rings signifying that we are aloud into the main building, and soon the topic is forgotten and everyone begins taking about homework that is due today and whether or not anyone has actually done it. Billie begins a conversation with isabel, a curly haired girl with large round glasses, and walk a head of me. I walk by myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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