Yo-Kai Watch Bloodstone World

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               Hello, I'm Jimmy Howards, I'm 21 years old, and I'm very, very much into video games. Now, I like pokemon after this horrific experience I've ever had. It began on the most perfect day, the sun was smiling, and there were no tornados every 8 months now. Though, I was in my house just watching some of my old childhood vhs's of the twilight zone. Then, My phone went off going, Ech! Ech! Ech! I grabbed my cellphone and I Saw I got a text from my friend Angela Salmona, It Read this : "Hey, how are you doing Jimmy? By the way, I got the new game yo-kai watch, I would rate it an 7/10." Now, My friend Angela Is A perfect critic, and always an opinion everyone can agree with, Except for a few exceptions, I realized at this moment that those internet critics were lying, so I knew I had to buy It. So I went to gamestop and tried to get the game, but the shelfs were empty, probably because everybody knew they can't listen to Jimmy whetzel more than anybody else. So I went to look in the bargain bin, and I Found a copy, though written in marker and crude letters on the box it said, "Yo-Kai Watch Bldstne Wld." now I Was Confused because there were no yo-kai watch game called that in the U.S.A. Not even in japan. 

     Later, after I Bought the game, I got out my 3ds off the shelf with the game boy advance, and put in the cartridge, though I felt unease because the cartridge plastic was red, and then I thought, was this a custom cart? And did a cheeky cunt make a rom hack, and got it in the bargain bin of game stop. I stopped thinking that because I got excited again to see if it's hacked or not. So I put in the game and began, My newest nightmares. Everything Began as normal, heck, the first boss was untouched in the programming. It all went crazy on the second boss, it wasn't even recognizable as the boss seen in the cutscene. My Yo kai were different as well, they were all black, heck, the shading didn't apply to them. So right then, I was freaked out, confused if this was a part of the game or not. Soon I saw the boss battle, the boss was the character "Nate" but turned white, at this point I knew something was wrong. Then A thought went through my mind on a lovely stroll, what if this was a hack made by the KKK? I continued playing the "game" Soon, not short after the battle began, the boss did an attack called "46, all hail 46." Being the smart person I was, I knew this was not a part of the game, because in japan, the number 4, sounds very similar to the pronunciation of the word "death" in Japanese. And 6 was obvious. At this point, I ejected the cartridge and threw it at the wall. I was freaked out. I brought the cart downstairs, and then, on the wall... there was a blood stain on the wall that read "YoU aRe NeXt." I freaked out even more, and almost had a heart attack. But then I Went out my house and went out screaming. Then I ran away so fast, that I can bet all my money I could outrun a cheetah. And then I went to another friends house, Kyle, he's the ultimate hacker in a nutshell. I told him that this game needs to be destroyed before anyone else sees it, or hack the game to not show those images.

      Later, I showed Kyle the cartridge, he hacked into the rom. And there was no code there at all. Nothing. We injected the cart into the 3ds. Then we heard a knock on the door, the man said, "Open the door!" We Heard a weird voice, it was a demonic voice, I don't even knock how to describe it. We ran upstairs really fast, and we went to the attic. We looked out the attic window, and saw nothing outside, at the door, in the garden, anywhere. Then a invisible force pulled Kyle to downstairs. I jumped out the attic window after this had happened. I crawled after I jumped out the window away from the house, nothing pulled me, at all. After I crawled to a nearby house, and asked if I could call the police, thankfully she said yes. After this, everything was normal now. I was taken to a mental asylum for a month and a half before I recovered, however, I still believe this actually happened.

Yo kai watch: Bloodstone World(Creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now