Chapter One

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A/N- This story and these characters are my original idea. Please don't take the characters or the story plot. One shots and spin offs are fine with permission. Just so you know, most of this story will be told from Tyler's POV. But some parts will be told from Summer's. Hope y'all enjoy!(:

Chapter 1 - "Making Friends"

My alarm rings, way too shrill for me to tolerate. I slam my fist down on the snooze button and hear a cracking sound.

"Crap." I turn to check out how bad I've just broken my clock. The plastic frame in front of the time is cracked and the buttons on the top are dented in.

"Tyler what the hell are you doing! That alarm has been going off for the past fifteen minutes! GET UP!" I throw one of my pillows across the room at my older brother.

"Ever heard of knocking Jake?" He scoffs and walks off. I swing my legs over the edge of my bed and push myself up. It's nine a.m. This is way too early to be up in the first month of summer. But I guess we're helping our new neighbors move in today so I can't act like the lazy bum I usually was in the end of May.

Walking to my closet, I glance at myself in the mirror. My brown hair is disheveled and my green eyes are groggy. I can taste the sleep on my breath and I decide to go brush my teeth and wash my face before I do anything else. The lights in my bathroom seem blinding, even on their lowest setting. I rub the heel of my hand to my eye while grabbing my toothbrush with the other. Ten minutes later I'm tumbling down the stairs. Bacon and eggs are cooking on the stove when I walk into the kitchen.

"Morning Ty." I wave a response to my dad before joining him at the table.

"Anything interesting in the paper?" There's nothing in the news that could interest me, I know that already. But I also know my dad likes it when I at least pretend I have an inkling of curiousity.

"Well..." And so begins his rant on the taxes and the deficit and unemployment. I tune it out, not really taking in anything but nodding and giving a strong "yea" when I find it's needed. My dad is cut short, though, by the blaring music coming from outside.

"What the-" A moving truck pulls into the house next door with a two door Jeep Wrangler following close behind.

"Guess our new neighbors are here."

I pull on my old converses and walk down the front steps. Looking over, I notice that there's a Dodge Journey parked behind the Jeep now.

"-so glad to meet you. I'm Heather." I can hear my mom talking already. She's always been extremely friendly. I guess I got my dad's genes of being kinda reserved, but I walk across the grass to "make friends" anyway. My mom is standing an talking to a man with white hair and a clean shaven face. As I walk towards them, his brown eyes dart to me, but then back to my mom. He smiles at what she's saying.

"Oh and this is my son Tyler. He turned 17 in January."

"It's nice to meet you Tyler," the man reaches his left hand out and I shake it awkwardly with my left one. I notice he's not wearing a wedding ring. "I'm Marcus but you can call me Mr. Brown or Mark or whatever. I have a daughter about your age. She's turning 17 in August. Now if I could just get her out of that damn Jeep before then." He laughs and I hear a car door slam.

"You could've just asked." A girl walks out from the jeep. She's not tiny but she's not very tall. Probably 5'5". Her straight blond hair is laying on either side of her head, framing her face. Her blue eyes are bright, made extremely obvious by the eyeliner and mascara on the top and bottom of her eyes. Freckles dot the bridge of her small nose. She looks at me and I act like I'm just not looking at her. "I'm Summer."

"Tyler," I mutter.

"Oh c'mon Tyler, go make friends." My mom was ways pushing me to meet new people and to talk more, but I liked who I was hanging out with now. But I let her go with it anyway, telling myself I'd tell her to stop later.

"Hey!" Mark calls out at us as I walk up the driveway. "Don't go fallin' for my daughter!" He winks at me, showing that he's kidding partially. I don't know what to say that wouldn't be offensive to Summer. She was a pretty girl but I knew I wasn't the kind of person to just settle down and have a girlfriend. I wasn't at all a virgin, but my parents had no clue about that. So instead I just nodded and said a quick "yes sir." She was just a girl, anyway. A girl like every other girl. Nothing special.

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