Stuck in Traffic

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Jumin was stuck in traffic, he was listening to classical music while his driver, Kim, was listening to loud modern music through some ear-phones. Jumin was bored, so he decided to call you, and of course, you picked up.
"Hello? [Y/N]? This is Jumin Han. Of course I don't have to say my name, you already know, but it's a habit. Anyway, how are you? Did you eat?"
You answered with a soft 'yes'.
"I'm glad you did. I'm just coming back home from work, so do you want to come to my house?"
You answered, again, with a yes.
"Haha... Of course you want to come. I'll get my maids to prepare a bed for you, or you could just share a bed with me," he purred. You were flustered

Fifty Shades of Han - Jumin Han - Mystic MessengerWhere stories live. Discover now