Too strong to hold on !

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those drops of water that run down her cheeks,

she knows what she faces,


loneliness ,


not from her parents they think she's happy,

but from her bullies,

verbal abuse,

physical abuse,

those fists pounding her face,

those feet kicking her back and head,

those words hitting her heart like a thousand knives,

her heart breaking into tiny pieces over and over again with every word that leaves there mouth,

she lays there black and blue with blood trickling from her head ,

nose and mouth,

they leave her laying there ,

she tries to hold back the tears prickling in her eyes ,

but she cant ,

she's too scared,

she feels like nobody can save her from this world of torture,

she pulls herself to her feet ,

she trys to walk but is limping ,

by now it is dark,

she is all alone,

she speaks to her self saying im sorry mum im sorry dad,

but it has to be this way,

Im going to be free ,

free from the pain,

she limps onto the tracks ,

she can hear it coming ,

it steams down the track ,

it hits her so fast she is gone straight away,

nobody knew the pain she was going through ,

nobody ever will nor nobody cares,

apart from her parents that is .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2013 ⏰

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