Damn This Mind (Alucard Hellsing Ultimate)

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On the right is what the main character looks like, except for the eyes. And the music, ignore he picture. I figured, why not put something on that sounds cool and fits that part of the episode well.

Once again I was walking in the woods trying to find my puppy. This was the sixth time in the town of Cheddar that she had wandered about and I had to find her.

Especially tonight since I know there is a certain preist was killing people in the church. Everyone these days will say anything in front of a child who believes aren't able to comprehend what they are saying. Fools.

After a few minutes, I was standing in the clearing with another person wearing a red hat and a red trenchcoat left open looking at the sky with a bloodthirsty smile. I knew what that smile meant. I used it  myself plenty of times when I was killing thugs stupid enough to try and get money or whatever from me.

"Hello mister...." The man turned to me and noticed he wore orange glasses over his eyes. His smile stayed where it was. "Have you seen my puppy? She's white and has green eyes."

The man chuckled, showing sharp teeth. "I might have. Aren't you a little young to be wandering the woods at night?"

One of my eyebrows twitched. "No, but please tell me you saw her."

He laughed. "Your pup went running where a bad man is." His head went down and I saw a red eye. "Are you planning on running after her alone, little one?"

I 'tch'ed and looked at him with a look no child my age should ever give a grown up. Bloodthirsty eyes and a very cold smile. "If that man hurts her, then he's going to pay. And you're the only one who knows where she went, so I'm going to follow you."

He gave me the same bloodthirsty smile and continued on his way. I followed him until we hit another clearing and saw a man with red eyes, sharp teeth, holding a police officer looking like he's going to rape her. Perverts all around can go to this guy right here. I noticed all the zombie looking guys that was around him and I didn't like them at all. Thankfully my pup was there unhurt.

I tilted my head to the right where the man's hand was. I wasn't scared, just curious. "What are you standing next to Liliana?"

"I guess you mean the dog. She standing with ghouls that that vampire made."

Still wasn't scared. I thought it was interesting. "So vampire's actually exist."

The vampire opposite us getting pissed. "Who the hell are you?"

"Your death." The man said calmly.

"My death. Really my death. This is pathetic. Kill him." With a snap of his fingers the ghouls were shooting at the man next to me.The man kept smiling as the bullets riddled him with holes and he fell to the floor.

"Now what's your name little girl?"

"Danielle Corwall." I said just as calmly. "And that wolf cub standing with you're ghouls is my friend Liliana." I whistled and she obediently came over with her tail wagging happily.

"Now tell me little Danielle, do you want to be a vampire? Or do you want to die like that pathetic hitman over there?"

I started laughing. "What moron would ask a six year old that? Who in their right mind would want to be turned into a vampire and be stuck at the age of six for the rest of their lives." I calmed down a little and gave him a very bloodthirsty smile. "It's just plain insulting to ask a woman that."

"What woman! I see nothing but a little girl in front of me and a teenage beauty I'm going to violate and turn into a ghoul."

"I may be in a child's body, but I have the mind of a twenty year old woman. And I'd rather die fighting than be one of the eternal damned so young."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2012 ⏰

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