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Prologue - Kate's POV

Most people start their stories from the beginning because thats the normal thing to do. 


You see, I really want to start my story by telling you the ending but by doing that, it would ruin anything and everything that happened leading up to the glorious finale. 

So, I guess I have no choice but to start from...well, the start.

It all began with a list. A bucket list, if you will. It wasn't just any bucket list though. It was my bucket list. It was my dream list. A list of ten things I wanted to do before I actually started my life. It was a simple list. Only ten things, but with one strange encounter that list turned into twenty things to do before I started my life. Before he started his life. Before we started our lives.

One encounter changed my whole dream list. One encounter changed my life. 

Here, let me show you my original dream list.

1. Sleep under the stars.

2. Watch a thunderstorm from outside.

3. Attend a masquerade.

4. Visit Ground Zero.

5. Get a tattoo.

6. Kiss a stranger.

7. Learn how to surf.

8. Have someone write a song about me.

9. Slow dance in the rain.

10. Fall in love.

Just ten simple tasks, right? 


These were just ten ambitious dreams I had. I was eighteen, living alone in New York City. I had nothing better to do so why not live a little.

Well, every story has a beggining, every story has a middle and every story has an end. My story begins with him. My story goes on with him. My story ends with (you guessed it) him.

This is one hell of a crazy story. 

This is my story. 

This is his story.

This is our story.


Note: So...yeah :) haha its short and a little ehh for a prologue but I just really wanted to make it sound like Kate. i wanted it to be more her telling the story and than just putting it out on the plate to be heard. I wanted her character to really let you know what goes down first hand :)

I hope you liked it and continue to read! and there is a picture of Kate (Dianna Agron) on the side :) xx

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