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As you can possibly tell John is a normal boring teenage guy, he's got a normal life, normal friends and a normal house. Who knew one trip to the bathroom would change all of that, Now let us begin this story.

John was woken up by a loud thump, He quickly rose up in his bed. his first thoughts were "Ugghhhh its so freaking early, Who's making all that noise". The noise was ruining John's beauty sleep


A loud noise came from the outside of his room, He quickly jumped out of his bed and grabbed a baseball bat nearby his bed. He slowly tipped toed over to where he last heard the noise, He carefully twisted the door knob open.


He quickly opened the door which the noise came from (aka the bathroom) and roughly swung his bat around, "Woah there kid!!" He heard an unfaltering voice from above the bathroom door, He nearly dropped his bat when he heard the voice he slowly gazed up and saw some strange disturbing creature right above him. The creature was wearing a blue jacket with pure black jeans, and his face.... Well he had no face... Just two black eye sockets.... No mouth no nose... No nothing. (Shhh Creepypasta fans it ain't Eyeless Jack)

The strange creature sighed as he looked at the terrified boy, He crawled down from the bathroom ceiling and stood on his tippy toes so he was "face" to face with the teenage boy's "Hey kid, The name is Hejikials but you can call me Jay for short"

John stared at the strange bathroom creature who called themselves "Jay". He felt his legs becoming numb as his eyes were wide open, staring at the creature in horror. The last thing John remembered was his vision turning black.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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