The Lost Key

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Sorry if the grammars are wrong.

It's already December, it's very cold and the surroundings are all surrounded of white snows on the ground. Kai just came home from his school, he was about to open his apartment door but he noticed that his door key was not inside his pocket anymore so he came back to the road where he passed by a while ago to search for his key but he found it difficult to search for it because the road was all covered by thick snow but still he tried when a young lady same aged as him approached him.

"Excuse me, can you help me?", Kai saw a young lady wearing a long thick brown coat jacket with a red scarf on her neck and she has a small brown teddy bear with her in her arms. When Kai looked at her, he felt something different with his heart that he never felt before.

"Yes?", - Kai

"I'm lost, can you help me find my home? I'm sure my house is just around here. The gate of my home are surrounded by green and red christmas lights. Can you please help me find it?", Kai realized that the young lady he was talking to was blind. Kai helped her to search for her home. Kai was looking around searching for a gate that was surrounded by green and red christmas lights but he realized that the young lady was living just across his home.

"You live here just across our home? How come I never saw you around here our neighborhood?, the young lady didn't respond when the gate where the she lives opened.

"Nicole, where did you go? I was searching for you for the whole day I was so worried. Let's go inside it's very cold here", Nicole entered the gate with her stepmother.

"May I know your name?", - Kai

"I'm Nicole", Nicole smiled.

"I'm Kai", Kai smiled.

"Kai, it's getting cold I guess it's better if you go home already", Nicole's stepmother closed their gate. It's already evening, Nicole's father and her step mom are eating dinner. Nicole's stepmom told her husband about what happened a while ago that Nicole went out again without asking permission from them.

"I went outside because I just want to walk", - Nicole

"She was lost a while ago. Good thing one of our neighborhood helped her to find her way back home", Nicole's stepmom said

"Nicole, for how many times we've told you that you can't walk alone outside. You can't go--", Nicole interrupted her father.

"Dad! I'm fine! Why can't I go outside, dad? Is it because I'm like this? Dad, I want to go outside just like the other girls out there who has a normal life! I want to live like them!", Nicole walked away to go to her room. Nicole grew up having no friends. She was home schooled and the only friend that she had since she was a kid is her favorite small brown teddy bear.

"I'm almost 20 years old and I never been happy. I sometimes wish I should have died with my mom", Nicole cried talking to her brown teddy bear in front of her window in her room.

"I told you that I hate it when you open your curtains right?", Nicole's stepmom closed Nicole's room curtain like she's hiding something from Nicole's room. Nicole immediately hid her face so her stepmom won't notice that she was crying. Afterwards, Nicole's stepmom left her room already. Since it was too cold, Nicole wore the coat jacket she wore a while ago when she went outside. She took something inside her pocket, it's a key she accidentally step on a while ago at the streets. She took a string from her desk's drawer and she put the key in the string. Nicole took her brown teddy bear and she tie the key with the string on it to her teddy bear.

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