~How it all started~

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Welcome to the first fanfic to hit Spots_On_!
Marinettes POV

Adrien and I have been seeing each other for roughly a month now. It all started when we first came face to face with Hawk Moth.   

"Chat, you go left, I'll take the right!" I yelled as I jumped across the rooftops. We were tracking down Hawkmoth and were finally in sight of his lair. We landed on the roof of an abandoned warehouse and were able to just see him through a cracked window.

We planned out how we were going to act and  then shattered his window, jumping into the room to face him. 

There before us stood Hawkmoth, the man we've been fighting against for as long as I can remember. My hands shook as I stood in his presence, my fingers automatically clutching my yo-yo for defense. I could hear Chat breathing heavily in the silence. 

"Attack!" Hawkmoth demanded. The tense silence hadn't lasted long.

Quickly, we commenced into battle, Hawkmoth bringing in his latest akuma whilst occasionally throwing us off with his staff. We used our weapons and surroundings to the best of our ability. So far, me and my partner were doing just fine. That is, until I screwed up.

I used my Lucky Charm at the wrong time, and an object came spiraling through the sky, just as Chat was about to attack Hawkmoth with Cataclysm. He hit the object and my charm disintegrated. The green fire in his palms blew out. Our powers were useless now!

It was then when we were vulnerable that Hawkmoth attacked us.

He chanted something I didn't understand and within a flash, pure white butterflies surrounded him from head to toe. There was an explosion, sending us flying backwards against the decaying wall

Chat was knocked out like a light, leaving just me to fight the battle. When I looked back, Hawkmoth was hovering over the ground, the once pure butterflies now black and ugly, lifting him off the ground. He shot akuma lasers towards my direction, and the only choice I had left was to run.

Although, after putting in effort and faith into myself, I still managed to get him to the point of defeat. I was so close to finishing him off when Chat woke up, groggy and delusional from the blow. He got up, looked around panicked, and ran over to my defense, spreading his arms in front of me. Hawkmoth hit him with one of those lasers and then fled the scene, creating a new base, who knows where. However, that shot seriously damaged Chat.

I ran across the room and knelt next to Chat, my tears dripping onto his face. I couldn't lose him, as much as his stupid nicknames and awful puns annoy me, I still couldn't lose him.

His breathing slowed down. I panicked and grabbed his wrist, rushing to check his pulse. My trembling hands slipped and his ring toppled off of his finger, instantly de-transforming him. 

It was then I knew everything was crumpled. I've rejected Adrien so many times, all because I was in love with, well, Adrien. I don't think I've ever cried so much in my life. 

Then, just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, my transformation wore of, turning me into plain old simple Marinette. My tears formed a puddle around my shaking knees. I sobbed and bawled to the point where I could barely open my eyes because of my droopy eyelids.

But when I did, I was relieved to see Adrien staring at me, mouth lolling open.

"Ladybug," he whispered.

I cried even harder and laughed in pure relief. I scooped him up into a warm hug, before taking him to the hospital and saying that he just got caught in the middle of an akuma battle.

So that's it really, how we found each other's identity. At some point after that, Adrien confessed to me, as himself this time. He called me on top of the Eiffel tower, that was where he confessed. So i came as Ladybug and de-transformed. Photographers caught us kissing as Ladybug and Chat Noir and quickly we were on the front page of the newspapers.

We lead a pretty good life and to be honest, it's better knowing each other's identities. It was like a big weight had been lifted from my shoulder and I'm pretty sure it was like that to him too.

But there was one day, that changed it all.

One of the smaller chapters as it was basically just an introduction. We hope to see you again in the next one!

Writer - KittenInBlack

Editor - 

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