Chapter One

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 My name is Tobin Heath, and my life sucks. I'm bullied at school, I'm in a love triangle, and on top of that, my parents died six months ago, leaving me stuck taking care of my little sister, Thalia. Now, as far as little sisters go, Thalia is one of the best kids to get stuck taking care of. She's sweet, kind, funny, and talented. She doesn't complain much, she pulls her own weight, and she's always there for me when I need a rock. Ever since mom and dad died, we've both had to take after-soccer jobs. I work at the local sports store, she works at a comic book store. The only problem with Thalia is that she's stubborn and really protective of me. She got in a fight last year with one of my bullies. She came out of it with a black eye and a bloody nose. The guy she was fighting was knocked out. 

Anyway, back to me. The love triangle that I mentioned is between me and two of my teammates, Christen Press and Alex Morgan. Alex is dating Servando Carrasco, the captain of the football team and my main bully. Seems like Christen would be the logical choice, right? Wrong. I'm not even sure there is a logical choice anymore. So anyway, that's all the background info. Enjoy hearing about my sucky life.  

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