The Beginning of Something New

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I run down the main pathway of the school grounds my hair flying behind me and everything in the world just doesn't matter it's just me the wind and the speed, everything just fades into one and I feel high I'm at peace.

Let me introduce you to me, my name is Mercedes,  at that time in my life I was going on 15 and little did I know that my whole life was going to change. I have two brothers one older and one younger I have my mum and my dad is not in the picture I didn't have the best childhood but I also wasn't neglected I had a roof over my head most of the time and I went to school although I missed out on quite a bit of it growing up so I'm not The brightest light in the chandelier.I've never been book smart im a thinker i'm usually spontaneous and stubborn i'm loud and crazy and protect the ones I love, i'm dramatic and have a tight group of friends, i don't trust easy and over think every little thing i'm unique and full of life I'm just an every day girl... well i used to be.

Then he happened to me.

His name is Lucas, Luke for short.
He has two best friends pat  and Jordan they do everything together we call them three Musketeers they're always getting in trouble and doing odd things they started a band in the School breaks and usually after school when they walk home they stoped at the park and flipped off the swings at that age they hadn't quite hit puberty there were  scrawny and annoying but were friends with every one. I didn't have a huge interest in being there friend they were funny to watch when they started to muck around in class they were the class clowns Luke had short curly hair pale white skin with a bright red nose and feet to big for his skinny little body there was nothing attractive about him to me. My friend on the other hand seemed to like him a lot and I  didn't really notice that he hung out with our group a lot more because they started dating.He would walk with me to classes that we had together but that was about it there wasn't a true friendship between us just a mutual friend ,Jess, I didn't really pay a lot of attention to there relationship and don't remember a lot of them being together except for one day we all decided to spend the whole day mucking around trying to find there celebrity couple name that day brought us all a little Closer.

Not to much longer after that day A new guy came to school, Jack, I knew him from primary school and he was a nice guy, funny and didn't care a lot about how people judged him which worked for him it made people like him even more and amongst those people was Jess... while jess was getting confused between getting feelings for Jack and being in a relationship with Luke, Luke was falling in love with Jess. Instead of leading Luke on she broke it off with him and some how I was the one to be there for him and pick up his pieces at first I just wanted to know the goss and know first hand what the big story was but the more I was "there for him" I actually became there for him he wrote me a letter during Sports theory class of how it all went down and we walked home together talking about it how he thought he could of loved her and how he talked to her about everything she was his best friend and with out thinking about it I declared to him I would be his best friend and know matter what I would always be there for him....
and that's where we started.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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