The quirky tale of April Hale by demonicblackcat critical review

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The quirky tale of April Hale by demonicblackcat critical review.

Its a nice take on the cliche bad-boy & nerd love story .There was a time when I thought this was the most awesome teen story ever. Then I turned to chapter two. April(the seemingly badass April,the author made us fall for at first paragraph) fainted. Why? Because her love interest(obviously) Ryder wanted to talk to her. Seriously? And she lost consciousness when she hit his chest. His rib cage must be made of titanium. What if he hugs her? She'll go into a love induced coma? Oh no if he kisses her? the Hales will be burying their daughter. And what's worse,her inability to put together a intelligent sentence,no,word when he comes within a five mile radius is pathetic. Its just...why?...why do people portray twenty first century teenage girls like this? I for one as an everyday average teenage like April seems am offended. NO,we aren't complete mutes when we come near our crushes,NO we don't faint when they talk to us except its some sort of celebrity idol,but NOT a crush. Oh he's a troubled kid and he has a skull tattoo I am so intimidated and scared out of my pants!. Are you kidding me?. All this He's-so-hot-even-though-he's-troubled-and-scares-me crap is so exhausting to read. The way she acts around him is so unrealistic. At the end of the second chapter,the author explains that April only acts like that around Ryder. Will it kill her to not faint? That's an extreme. Like she has asthma or something,I have a cousin with asperger's who is nothing like this. I know people who have this are different but she has so many disorders for one person just to explain her behavior . I tried to love the book completely,seriously I did. But I failed. She makes asperger's look like a deformity not a difference(it IS a difference guys,not a disability). I would've sent the review to her wattpad page directly,but I didn't want to get cursed down by over zealous fans. Trust me,it happens,when someone doesn't like a book you love, why not go insult them? It'll totally change their opinion. NOT. Besides I also love Tyrion Lannister. And @demonicblackcat,I am not a wolf,I am a dragon so worry about my opinion lol. Its nice she has a reason for April's behavior though,unlike many other writer's heroines I know. I may not hate the book,cause I kinda know what the whole autism thing is all about,but I don't love it either.

Ratings- 4.9/10



Sent to criticallywriting,2013

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