My Hell Pet★

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   Hundreds of years ago, there existed a generation of shape-shifters that everyone fretted. The shape-shifters would transform into three animals: cats, tigers, and the most feared, panthers. They would go out at night and hunt in small packs for anything edible. The villagers that lived close to the forest would not step out of their houses at night in fear that the beats would attack them and devour them in one bite. The villagers that had seen the creatures would describe them as gigantic and terrifying monsters that wore the skin of innocent animals. Red eyes that would glow in the smallest hint of darkness, and white sharp teeth that could penetrate any object.

   After years of the shape-shifters having absolute power, a new generation arose, their name: "Servorum De Inferno"(Servants From Hell in Latin). Their name fitted them well as they were demos, hungry for power. The demons began hunting the shape-shifters just for fun, but noticed that the humans became aware of their existence and had begun to worship them as leaders and gods.

  They took advantage of this and became powerful icons for the human race. They would hunt the shape-shifters, kill them, then be heroes for the people. There were some demos that would even go as far as to keep some shape-shifters as pets. The demons had even given them a name, the "Hell Pets". Their 'pets' would have to wear a collar around their necks, from the collar would hang a tag to identify who their owner was.

     Two years after the demons had taken over, almost all shape-shifters were dead or captive as slaves for powerful demons. Within the shape-shifters race, the ones that varied were the panthers. The rest of other species had been executed.

     Even though they had power, all things come to an end. Their rein stopped once the humans began to believe in other religions. The demons powers decreased but not enough to move them from their thrones. It only took fifty years for the humans to completely forget about the demons and shape-shifters.

      One hundred fifty years later, demons still contained authority in their own chaotic world. Many demons and shape-shifters have blended in with the humans and have learned to live like them, others were very influential within politics and governments.

        In the beautiful city of London from England, within the royal palace lives a demon who goes by the name of Sebastian Michelis. His name was given by his adoptive father, Claud Faustus who found Sebastian when he was lost, and had made the choice to make Sebastian as his son. Claud is the right hand of the Queen, he was the one that taught Sebastian all the techniques needed to be an excellent captivator of shape-shifters. To this day Sebastian has hunted an estimated number of 34 shape-shifters.


     Sebastian enjoys torturing his "pets" in unthinkable ways. He makes them do things such as, have them wear a collar which transfers shocks of electricity into their body, he humiliates them by making them have sexual intercourse with other Hell Pets, not caring about their genders. Even more sickening,  he watches them.

     Even though he does such cruel things to the shape-shifters,  there is a young boy that overcomes all exceptions to Sebastian. The boy's name is Ciel Phantomhive. The lad's background is a cast down for anybody who hears it.


       Ciel's story goes as told: when he was only 5 years old he lost his parents when a fire was set up in the toy factory his family owned.  His parents had been traped inside by two demons. He watched his parents die, right in front of him. He could hear their screams of horror and pain, but he could do nothing just stand still as the two demons held him tight by the arms and laughed.  Something within him began to burn. A spark had been set off. His blood pressure began to rise. Next thing he knows, he has shifted into a long and black Panther. 


       His brain was rushing with all kinds of thoughts.  He began attacking the two demons, but it only caused Ciel to be thrown against an old oak tree that sat close to the gates of the factory.  With almost no effort,  the demons captured Ciel. They dragged his tired and wounded body to a cliff that was not far from the factory.  With no hesitation,  the demons raised Ciel, then with a great force, pushed him dow the long fall cliff. As he fell he hit many rocks that were on the edges. Such pain caused Ciel to transform back into a wimp and powerless human. 


     Once the harsh group came in touch with Ciel's body, his brain went blank and he passed out.  The very last thing he remembers was the hunting laughter of the two monsters.

      Ciel woke up to the feeling of hard and cold ground beneath him. He struggled to stand, but it was useless. His efforts were in vain as his body was not responding to his orders. He studied the room, there was only four walls around him. He also noticed that on his left foot was chained.  He could not escape even if his body would respond. Then he heard voices coming from outside the room. At first, he thought that he wad just hallucinating, but then the voices became clearer as they came closer.


    The iron door that stood right before Ciel opened; the light entered the room making Ciel  close his eyes. His eyes began to slowly open as he he adapted to the bright light. Two men appeared and took young Ciel by the arms and dragged him out of the room. The men took Ciel into another room where there was a tall and serious looking person sitting down on a black leather chair. They spoke, but Ciel could not hear. His mind was completely blank, he could not think. 

   He supposed that they were negotiating what would happen to him. Two options,  he would either be sold to a demon to work as a slave or the one he feared more, be sold to work as a sex slave.

"He looks healthy enough", the man in the leather chair spoke. Giving Ciel a hunting chill.

"I will take him. Allison,  take him to the car." the woman who Ciel thought was Allison, took Ciel's arms and dragged him to a very luxurious car.

  Ciel was not even paying attention to his surroundings when he was gently placed on the inside of the car. He was too weak and beggan to suspect that they had also drugged him while he was sleep. It wasn't much of a surprise.


    The doors of the car opened, inside came the man who was sitting in the leather chair and the woman named Allison. They sat in front of him, with some distance from each other.  The car was big enough that they could seat five people and still have space for their feerts. Something was telling Ciel that the space between them was intentional by the way Allison vowed her head when the man stepped inside the car. She was a slave. Ciel had no doubt in that.

    Ciel tried to stand straight but failed miserably. He heard the man clear his throat idicating that he was about to speak.

"Mister Ciel Phantomhive, from this moment on you belong to me. My name is Claud  Faustus. I will be your master for a short while. You are a present for my son who you will later serve. Wealcome aboard."

    Ciel's body strength went down hill. He could not hold himself any longer. He let the darkness consume him and he fainted yet again.  Too many things had happened in one day. He could no longer hold it. He just hoped that his life could end right now. That way he would be able to see his beloved parents.


Hey!! Thanks for reading. This is the first chapter so don't worry there will be more soon, I promise. Also sorry that it is so short but I had to do so much homework and study for test that I had very little time to come up with very creative ideas.  Next chapter will be more about  the romance between Ciel and Sebastian!!

With Love: Greter~♥

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