A loud crash

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Girls (and guys) we need extra willpower to stop the nosebleeds on this one. Let us try!

Ah, a nice movie marathon. Perfect on a September Saturday. Whilst your "best friends" went out shopping and had relationship issues you preferred to stay in your PJs and watch crappy romance movies whilst yelling at the screen.

It had just gotten to the part when the girl had first seen "the guy" and it was awful. 5 minutes in and you were contemplating chucking the TV out the window.

"Oh boo! Unrealistic much? GET OVER YOURSELF LOVE HE JUST WALKED INTO THE ROOM!" You scream, shovelling more ice cream into your mouth when suddenly a loud thump came from just outside your doorstep.

So, you , being the curious Londoner that you were (your English. Deal.), decided to check it out. Whatever it was had been loud, but what could be that big? Oh God, you really hoped it wasn't airplane shit. That happened to a friend of yours and it wasn't pretty.

You opened the door to find, lying on the bare ground a man. His dark hair was all tangled, his pale skin maybe too pale. Jesus he didn't look at all well. There was no snow on the ground or anything, just concrete. if he fell on that he should be dead.

But he wasn't. He was clearly breathing. And his eyes were fluttering open and closed. Shards of vivid green.

He sat up rather quickly, startling you.

"Oh jeez are you okay?"

"What realm is this?" His voice was smooth, like salted caramel. Rich likes sugar, but with a sharpness like salt.

"London? Realm? What? Are you sane? Look, you better come inside. And if you're in trouble with the police I never helped you okay? Are you wanted by the police? Oh god I'm gonna go to jail. I can't go to jail. Its okay. We can handle this." You start babbling.

He looks at you with a certain superiority and stands up, brushing off his suit. You realise he was wearing an actual suit, but with a sort of body armour on top. Weird.

"Mortal I asked you a simple question. You live here? I shall stay here for the time being and you shall accommodate me. Anything that displeases me shall result in your punishment." He pushes you out of your doorway and walks inside.

"Wait. Wait. Punishment? What do you mean? And frankly I don't like you calling me mortal. Its dumb. Your mortal too." His nostrils flare at this, and his voice turns sour.

"I am NOT mortal. Don't ever call me that."

"Okay Mr grumpy so what shall I call you?"

"For start not Mr grumpy. You shall call me Sir Loki. Now, mortal what shall I call you. So you don't get moody."

"Excuse me? Moody? I'm not the one who decided to fall from the sky into my front garden. And don't call me mortal. I have a name!!"

"I know now. What is it?" Loki asks you surly.

"My name, oh great one, is Y/n" you say sarcastically.

Yay. First chapter. It took me so long to write this. Nosebleeds from fangirling are fun!

What is Real Anymore?-- Loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now