The Raid Of The Decepticons

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As Optimus, Ratchet, Undertone, Windblades, and Toolbox head to the Alchemor which is was finally repair to return to Cybertron but unnoticely two jumping figures appear, a familiar frog and grasshopper Decepticons.

"Come on, let hurry before that take off", said Springload as he quietly hop.

Kickback who don't like this plan, " Why we doing this, what the point", he got nervous.

"What point is Steeljaw promise me for The Lost City of Doradus!", shouted Springload.

"But isn't Doradus just a...", said Kickback then Springload came near his face.

"Don't you even say something or this Amphiboid will have a nice Insecticon to devour on the way", said Springload very menacing.

Kickback shut up and be silence for what Springload said.

The two hop silently to a hall until two voices appears.

"What do Optimus, do you think someday we meet the old gang like Bulkhead, Arcee, and the others", said Ratchet.

"I don't really know Ratchet but I know that they have own business to attend to", said Optimus as he and his old friend walk out of the hallway.

"Where is the room with those Stasis pod", whispered Springload as he look at three doors until he opened the fourth one which expose the Stasis Pods.

"Okay, we found them but where Steeljaw?", whispered Kickback as he look around.

"Let just check an find him, so I will Doradus", whispered Springload as he hop and look for Steeljaw.

Kickback look at one of pod and found his crush which resemble Airachnid without the spider legs , "Oh there you are".

Springload look and saw Underbite, Hammerstrike, Chop Shop, Overload, and Minitron, "Rrr, where is Steeljaw".

Kickback still looking at his crush until he turn around and found the wolf motif Decepticon, "Pss, hey, I found him".

"Good for Insecticon", said Springload as push button and the Stasis release a breeze of cold gas when it open.

Claws open the pod, legs stepping out, and eyes in rage, Steeljaw is free.

"Yes, I'm free now, thank you my brothers", said Steeljaw as he very thankful.

"I only did this because you promised me Doradus", said Springload.

"And I keep my promises, but first lets see if our brothers and sisters wanted revenge", said Steeljaw as he look at all of the Stasis Pods.

Steeljaw went to the pod with Chop Shop inside and open his it.

Chop Shop rose up from his pod encountering Steeljaw, Springload, and Kickback.

"Come on Combiner, lets free all our brothers and sisters", said Steeljaw as he open a pod that Quillfire was in and now free.

"Freedom for the revolution!", shouted Quillfire in victory as he was free.

"Shhhh!", shush Steeljaw, Kickback, Springload, and Chop Shop to make him quiet.

"Sorry, freedom for the revolution", whispered Quillfire in victory.

Chop Shop split into his 5 spider motif Mini-cons to free the other.

One component free Underbite, the 2nd free Hammerstrike, the 3rd free Bisk, the 4th free Thunderhoof, and the last one free Terrashock.

"Don't worry, I'll free you so the revolution will begin", said Quillfire as he freed Filch.

Steeljaw used his claws to ripped the pod for Minitron, "I hope you won't get step on".

The components freed Malador and the Skunkticons.

Malador open the pod for Fracture.

Fracture diploid his Mini-cons Airazor and Divebomb to free Ped.

Quillfire remove his spike and scratch the pod to release Nightstrike.

Thunderhoof found Clampdown's pod, "Ha, you will owe me for this".

Steeljaw quick scratches three with his claws to free Vertebreak, Headlock, and Octopunch.

Headlock quickly find Groundpounder and free him from his pod.

Fracture open the pod to free Stockade.

Quillfire use shoot multiple at the pod for the Major Mayhem to increase, "Revolution", he whispered.

The lead orange and yellow command the other free Zizza and Pseudo form their pod.

Clampdown use his claws to break the pod of Polarclaw and freed him.

Kickback did his karate kick move and freed Overload.

"To thank or not to thank, my little bug friend", said Overload with his Shakespearean manner.

Thunderhoof look around and freed his formal enforcer, "Ha, their you two", he free Scowl and Silverhound.

Steeljaw open and freed the pod of Crazybolt and Slicedice.

"Finally, illumination with acceleration!", shout the lizard motif Decepticons.

"Shush, we quiet", whispered Steeljaw then the two nod.

Silverhound and Scowl use their head and tail to destroy the pod of Razorpaw and Simacore.

More Major Mayhem freed many Mini-cons like Backtrack and Ransack, Swelter & Glacius, Torpor, Axiom and Theorem, Hammer and Anvil, and Back and Forth, even Bounce.

Steeljaw open the pod of Scorponok's Mini-cons Bludgeon and Clout, "Come with, I'll treat you respectfully and kindly".

The two agree since Scorponok was rude, they transform and landed on Steeljaw arm as his Mini-cons.

Underbite ate many of the pod doors to free many of the Vehicons.

Kickback open the the pod for his crush but she ingnore him.

"Alright partners, do what you do", said Steeljaw as he shoot his new Mini-cons to multiple of more pods including two Chompazoid that resembles Underbite, two Cyclone Mini-cons that resembles Backtrack & Ransack, an Insecticon that resembles Transformers Prime's Insecticons, two Sharkticons that resembles Hammerstrike, and "Fancyclaws" who resemble Razorpaw.

All of Decepticons are finally free and now under Steeljaw leadership.

"Hey Steeljaw, what about these three", said Underbite as he pointed at Glowstrike, Saberhorn, and Scorponok.

"No brother, they might get revenge on me for betraying them", said Steeljaw.

"So now what, your gonna lead again then we'll be captured again", said Thunderhoof.

"But there are only a few Autobots on this ship, so we an advantage", said Steeljaw looking at all of the Decepticons then found Stockade, "Brother, will you b please to my 2nd-in-command general".

"It will be an honor", said Stockade as he agree.

"Now brothers and sisters, transformer and rise up!", shouted Steeljaw as the Mini-cons form an they all transform for freedom.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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