Chapter 1

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Mike's POV-
Me, Dustin, Lucas, and Will were playing D&D. It was a campaign and so far it's lasted four hours, and I think it's gonna take probably seven more to complete, but I'm fine with that, it's seven more hours to be around Will. Okay, that's sounded creepy. It's only eight in the morning, we started at four in the morning so we could finish the campaign without my mom rushing the boys off. "Wait a minute, did you hear that, it didn't come from the Troglodytes, no, it came from something else." I said "what is it?" Will said "oh god, what if it's the Demogorgon, we're screwed if it's the Demogorgon." Dustin said "it's not the Demogorgon." Lucas said "the Demogorgon!" I shouted and slammed the piece on the bored, everyone groaned "Will, you action?!" I shouted "I don't know!" He shouted, oh my god that was adorable. "Fireball him!" Lucas shouted "no, cast a protection spell!" Dustin shouted "no, don't be a pussy, fireball him!" Lucas shouted "the Demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering, it's stomps towards you! Boom! Boom!" I shouted "protection spell!" Dustin shouted "fireball him!" Lucas shouted "fireball!" Will shouted and rolled the dice, it landed on a thirteen. "Will used fireball! It hit the Demogorgon sending it flying back and turning into dust!" I shouted (I'm sorry, I know some stuff about the game just not a lot, I've only watched the show where they play it and my brother play it with his friends), all the boys cheered "yeah!" Will highfived Lucas, then we continued playing. Finally, those seven hours were done and we finished, eleven hours of Dungeons and Dragons, that's a lot of D&D. And since it was only 3PM, everyone got to stay for a little while longer. "That was great, and we won." Dustin and Lucas bragged, I shook my head. "Mike!" I heard my mom yell, I ran up the stairs "yes?" I said "the boys have to go, Nancy got sick." She said while she got a bowl from the cabinet "okay." I sighed and went back downstairs. "Nancy got sick so you guys have to go." I said sadly and they all groaned, but they got up and we all went to the garage. "You guys go! I'll catch up!" Will said to Dustin and Lucas as they rode off, Will turned to me and we stared into each other's eyes. God! His eyes! Their so pretty!

Will's POV-
Come on, just tell him Will! Just tell him you like him! We stared at each other, and I could stand here forever, just looking into his wonderful eyes. I get lost in them each time I look. I snapped out of my thoughts and cleared my throat. "Sorry." Mike said and looked at the ground "um, did you want to tell me something or what? Why'd you stay?" He said, just tell him. "A-actually there is something I wanted to say." I said and he looked at me with......hope in his eyes? "Um, IlikeyouIwayshaveyourjustsoamazingandhowcouldInotlikeyouIshouldhavetoldyoubeforeI'msorry." I said really quickly, even though I knew Mike understood every word I said.

Mike's POV-
I blushed so hard when he said that, he likes me back! He likes me back! Oh my god! This is the best day ever! He looked at the ground, embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I probably just ruined-" "you didn't ruin anything, you just started something new." I cut him off and he looked at me "w-what?" He said "I like you to, I always have." I said with a smile, his smiled super big. "But, what about the whole 'you started something new'?" He said "Will Byers, would you like to be my boyfriend?" I said "yes, Michael Wheeler, I would." He said with a chuckle, I just had to hug him. We hugged for a little while. I kissed the top of his head and said "I've waited so long for this day." He let me go and said "me to." I smiled, he got on his bike, waved to me, and rode off. I was smiling ear to ear as I went inside. "Took you long enough." My mom said "sorry, Will had some questions about the game that I had to answer." I said and she nodded and helped Nancy do whatever. I went up to my room and laid in my bed. Best. Day. Ever.

Will's POV-
I was smiling ear to ear as I rode to my house. Jonathan and my mom should be home. I was looking down for a minute and then when I looked up, I saw this thing in the rode. It scared the crap out of me that I lost control and rode off the road. I fell off my bike and looked up to see the thing walked towards me. I quickly got up and ran to my house. I ran in and locked the door. "Mom?! Jonathan?!" I looked in all rooms, they weren't home. I went to the phone and tried calling them but that thing was right outside the door. Then the lock started unlocking itself. I dropped the phone and ran out my back door and to my shed. I ran in and closed the door and started loading a gun.

Third Person-
Will loaded the gun and pointed it at the door, ready to shoot the thing that was after him. As he watched the door, the light started getting brighter and brighter. He heard a noise behind him. He looked behind him and the thing was right there. Then the light went back to normal, and the shed was empty, the gun lying on the floor, and shotgun shells all across the table in there. Whatever that thing was, it took Will, and we don't know if he's coming back.

(Good start? Maybe? I don't know. I hope you liked it, bye!)

Will x Mike//DISCONTINUED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora