Welcome and Forms

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Welcome! I'm DiamondHuskey, but on this Roleplay I will be Annabelle or Anna or Belle. I will put my O/C below though for an example.

Before we get started however I have a couple of rules I need to put in place. Don't worry, there are only 3 major rules.
1. Keep it PG-13, I don't mind if you cuss, because quite frankly I do too, and in the books they cuss. But, I don't want any "mating" going on. That disgusts me and I will report you or ban you.

2. You must fill out a form and get accepted. I like to know who is on here and be able to tell you if your peculiarity is to grand or impossible, for example, you won't be allowed to have the power to come back to life if you die, or be entirely immortal, you have to have a weak spot as well. Something that the Hollowgast and Wights could use against you.

3. Last rule. Most obviously Have Fun! I want you to feel at home and feel like you can make friends here, I also want you to enjoy your time.

Now. Here is my O/C, it will give you an example of what can be done and looks and such. It will also allow you to know what to put on your personal forms.

Name: Annabelle Lee, No last name, Anna or Belle for nicknames

Age: She looks to be 11 years old, but ha been in Miss Peregrine's loop for 32 years and Miss Crows loop for 16. So she is mentally 59 years of age.

Looks: Long brown hair that reaches butt, deep blue eyes that always have a "dead" glow to them, thin cracked lips, pale skin, small nose, freckles, long eyelashes.

Personality: Shy, Kind, quiet, distant, snippy when mad, bookworm (she finds comfort in books because she is so shy), adventurous (likes acting like the characters in her books), light-sleeper, likes the rain.

Peculiarity: She can see and communicate with ghosts, and kill people with a single thought, she can also for some reason see the invisible boy.

Other: ((CANNOT HAVE PETS)) She has a ghost friend fish who talks to her occasionally. (That's not a pet, it's a ghost that can come and go) Has a crush on Millard Nullings.

Weakness: Her family (Everyone at Miss Peregrine's)

Please give detailed descriptions of things, such as Looks, and personality. Thank you! Please wait to be accepted! Goodbye!

When I put the words "Peculiarity Accepted" obviously you have been accepted.

Good day! Stay Peculiar!

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