MDDMY: Remember When

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"How do you do it?"

"Hm? "

"I said, how do you do it? " She asked again.

"Do what? " Clearly confused.

"Love me. "

She's at it again.

She's always like this. Asking him why her: of all of them that goes after him. He chose her.

They've been together for months now yet she still can't comprehend why he chose her. Why he's inlove with her.

He doesn't get it.

He understands she's got personal issues and all. He sees them; but he doesn't get it why she can't see herself in the way that he can.

He sighed.

It's not the first time she's been like this. She would randomly and constantly ask him for reassurance.

He doesn't get tired though. He understands she needs it.

So instead he kissed her jawline.

"I know you hate the fact that you are, uhm, what do they call it? Mapanga?"

Nadine rolled her eyes. "Uhuh"

James smiled, "but love, trust me, it suits you well."

And just like that, she giggled.

Then he goes to kiss her nose.

"I also noticed how you hate the fact that your nose flattens everytime you smile; but love, it doesn't matter, coz your smile alone is enough to make me fall in love with you."

Nadine smiled, a shy one. The one that doesn't quite reach her eyes, but her heart.

Then he kissed her eyes. Both of them. Gently. Tenderly. Lovingly.

"And you might think that your eyes are not your greatest assets but believe me, I melt whenever I look at them. They only see your eyes as some anatomy, a body part, but I see the whole world in them."

Finally, he kissed her forehead and said, "I would kiss your whole body to let you know how much I love every piece of it. But love -"

He kissed her on the lips. Long and torrid.

He kissed her like he could sum up all his love for her in the way that she could feel it enough for her to understand that he loves her, and there's no reason for that.

Breathless, they pulled away.

And when they met each other's eyes, they giggled. And then she knows. She understands now that love is illogical. It doesn't need reasons. For it is the heart that chooses. Not the eyes, nor the ears, not even the brain.


Remember when,

We just transferred to a new network and we were such rising stars, and we got alot of comparisons, and you couldn't bear it. People thought you could coz you were always smiling, but they never really looked through your make up.

I did.

I saw how insecure you were. Being compared with all the women your age in the industry. I knew back then that you hated the fact that your face is round or that your skin ain't pale. I knew you cursed your teeth for being crooked or how you can't speak conyo fluently like many of your half-blooded contenders. I saw you had a lot going on.

I saw it all.

And I saw how you fought. You were such a brave soul, even if being brave means acting okay. I always loved that about you.

But I loved it more when you surrender in my arms. And though, to some, it may seem like a gesture of weakness and vulnerability, it is where you're actually stronger. Because Love, I will protect you.

Now, I hope your insecurities are well-buried. Forever forgotten. Everyday, I will remind you that you are far more beautiful than the rest of them.

Not just because you're my girlfriend. Not just because it's the most appropriate thing to say; but because you are. And there are no explanations for that.

When people ask you how you feel when I confessed at Araneta, when I do sweet gestures of this and that,"Ang haba ng buhok ko" is often your reply. And I'm thankful I made you feel that way. I live to make you feel beautiful.

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