The Day It All Happened

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It was a bright morning in Delaware it was October 13th. I was outside waiting for my bus when I heard it start. The sirens we're going off I had no clue why but isn't for a good reason. My bus comes to a stop right in front of me but no one on the other then my bus driver. I get on and head to the next stop we're  my friends get on they are all talking about what's going on, no connection on our phones. The bus driver puts on the radio, the person speaking says get to a safe zone as soon as possible. We're almost to school when another bus runs into us we flip over.     2  hours later I wake up to screaming I open my eyes and most the kids are hurt badly. I try to get up but my foot is stuck so I grab on to the seat and push to get free. Helpppp!! I hear as I get out of the bus I look wear it was coming from it was a girl from the other bus. I run to help her and cut my leg on a piece of metal not to bad but bad enough I need to wrap it up. I get to the girl and she's bleeding , what is your name I ask it's Aggie Kington. Hi I'm Alexis Sanchez I am from the other bus let me help you okay stay still. I left her up Really slowly and take her to the curb and find something to wrap her arm with. I find a jacket , rip it up and wrap her arm up so it's not bleeding. I tell her to stay there so I can help other's, it wasn't just us that crashed it was 2 cars one truck and a van. The people in the van looked died and the people in the one car look died. I look for other survivors from the crash site. I spot a boy he goes to my school I think, I go over to him and he's bleeding I try to feel for a paulse. He's still breathing I try to carry him to where Aggie is but I'm not so strong. All of a sudden I feel he is getting lighter , I look up and Aggie helped me I told her she shouldn't be putting pressure on her arm. Aggie rolled her eyes and said I'm okay don't worry I said okay let's get him to the curb. Aggie says isn't that Spencer Mitchell I nod my head yes It is he goes to our school doesn't he? She says I think so but I thought he got in trouble Thursday for fighting ? He did must not got a lot of time for what he did. Are school rules are so unfair I mean if you ask me. He starts waking up he looks up at us and says what the he'll are you too looking at. I roll my eyes and under my breath I say ass. Aggie smiles because She heard me and says it's nice to meet you too Spencer. He says why are you two uglys near me, I say because I was saving your life trying to help people who are hurt guess I should have left you there.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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